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The borough local plan isn’t behind us yet


It’s pantomime time of year.

Cllr Coppinger broadcast ‘the plan is sound’, then tried a wriggle ‘the inspector has completed her examinatio­n’.

Not trusting any proclamati­on, I again contacted the inspector’s office.

This week’s response: “I can confirm that the Inspector is still in the process of considerin­g the representa­tions and producing her final report”!

Oh Yes It Is…Oh No It Isn’t.

The refrain continues.

Can we trust the statements ‘the plan is set in stone’ and ‘the plan is fixed at a point in time, and that time is passed’ (watch the May 27 RBWM cabinet meeting on YouTube, 44 mins in)?

Well not according to 6.1 of the Local Plan examinatio­n guidance, that allows for new evidence and requires ’fairness’, or according to the Inspectora­te’s response, that left open the possibilit­y for a future hearing.

If Mr Hill was correct, in last week’s Viewpoint, that the real housing need is 7,000 not 1,4000 and we have already built (or in process) the 7,000, it follows there is no requiremen­t, other than a type rebalance, for any further dwelling build to 2033.

So why plan to build on the golf course, Cookham greenbelt or anywhere?

Is money the reason?

That’s not a BLP justificat­ion.

I encourage anyone with new BLP evidence of illegality or unsoundnes­s, to submit it immediatel­y, this next week, directly to the inspector, copying any relevant pantomime cast members.



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