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Chapter and verse on a time of turbulence


And it came to pass in those days that the Emperor Boris, Son of John, was in his Palace of Downing when he heard news of a terrible plague coming from the East and bringing much pestilence and fear.

Quickly Boris summoned wise people, amongst them a Whitty man, a Vam Dam

and other sage bods to go forth and search for sightings and signs of this terrible scourge.

So an order was given and verily the wise ones followed a star and then, suddenly, what had been told came to pass and lo, they were much troubled and went with haste to tell Boris and the BBC of their dire prognostic­ations and the Boss was much afraid.

The news was told to the boffins in their laboratori­es in Oxford and other learned places and leaving all else diligently searched for a way to fight the lurgy.

So it was that the wise Magi came forth bearing their gifts of AstraZenec­a, Pfizer and Moderna and presented them unto the NHS to vaccinate the people and there was much rejoicing in the land, not least by Boris and his court.

So it was that a proclamati­on was made that all the nation should be enrolled for a jab in the arm, beginning with the eldest and infirm down to the youngest and a great host of jabbers were assembled.

Legions of people were summoned to the Hall of the Town and in orderly fashion they were lined up and shot.

Alas, according to news bulletins, the COVID bug may need further shooting but at least the people and Boris can hopefully smile about it and say a big THANK YOU to all those who help us and guide us along the way to better days.



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