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Technology becoming literally exclusive


The evidence continues to grow of my nonexisten­ce.

Long ago, I had it beaten into my thick skull that – as a mere cash-user – I had no business darkening the door-steps of such august traders as Caffe Nero and the allsinging wonderland that is the new Braywick Leisure Centre.

Now it emerges that – not having the Internet, let alone such wondrous bits of software as Zoom and Microsoft Teams

(how do I manage to live?) – I should remain unemployed for the rest of my days.

Earlier this year, an employer offered me an interview – to be carried out by Zoom, don’t-you-know!

Needless to say, the so-called ‘Job-Centre Plus’ proved utterly useless in supplying any facility for a person to attend such a meeting.

Fortunatel­y for me, that particular employer did ultimately make arrangemen­ts for me to attend an in-person interview; where I was, sadly, unsuccessf­ul.

Now, another employer has offered me an interview – this time, using Microsoft

Teams: which, of course, everyone carries everywhere in their back pockets!

In addition, prior to interview, they intended emailing me a task to complete – which I imagine will call for me to use Microsoft Excel and/or Word.

While I have years of experience and can use these readily, I don’t necessaril­y have a licence to use either of them: why would I?

Fortunatel­y, this employer, too, has now made an alternativ­e provision, allowing me to go there and use their equipment.

Somehow, I seem to have missed the memo from on high which made it compulsory for everyone to have: the Internet at home; a mobile phone fixed to them at all times; every type of software anyone can name – all of them plundering your privacy on an industrial scale.

JAY FLYNN Moneyrow Green

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