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Voter ID bill is not good for democracy


The Government has successful­ly passed the new and controvers­ial Election Act which is due to come into effect April 2023, in time for RBWM local council elections in

May 2023.

Every voter must show photograph­ic identifica­tion of their identity.

If you have no photograph­ic ID (and there is a long list of accepted form of photograph­ic ID) then you must apply to the local council for an ‘Electoral Identity Document’.

If you do not have a voter ID you will NOT be allowed to vote.

The idea is to crack down on voting fraud, but investigat­ions show there is very little voter fraud in the first place, and with the Government trying to save costs for everyone, is this really the right thing for the Government to be doing?

I fear many people will be turned away for not having a voter ID.

Is this really democracy?

BRUCE ADAMS Cox Green Lane


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