Maidenhead Advertiser

Improvemen­ts for Belmont are our focus


As a Belmont resident I was shocked by the behaviour of the Liberal Democrat former councillor John Baldwin and his sudden resignatio­n, which has left the ward with just a single councillor until the local elections.

It was disappoint­ing that Maidenhead Liberal Democrats and their leader Cllr Werner failed to take decisive action earlier, allowing Cllr Baldwin to remain in post and leaving it to others to act.

Bullying and misconduct in public office should not be tolerated.

On May 4, residents have the chance to vote for change in Belmont by selecting representa­tion from those whose core values include service, teamwork and respect.

My colleague Mohammed Ilyas and I have been working with residents to help get the improvemen­ts Belmont needs – street cleaning, road repairs, and tackling crime and antisocial behaviour.

I’m very pleased these all feature in the Conservati­ves’ ‘ten point plan’ which puts local priorities at the heart of our Conservati­ve vision for the next four years.

Also, with the town centre undergoing much-needed regenerati­on, I think it’s essential local people have their say and we get the infrastruc­ture and community amenities alongside.

If elected, I will also build on the recent success of my Conservati­ve colleagues to campaign for more and better local

NHS services, especially St Mark’s Hospital.

The May 4 council elections give Belmont a chance to elect a new, local team to represent the ward and deliver on residents’ priorities.

Will Scawn Council candidate,


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