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Is 50/50 shared childcare ever a good option?


When a relationsh­ip breaks down a child’s parents can make an applicatio­n to the Court to decide upon the child arrangemen­ts. In respect of this question, the child’s welfare is paramount and the check list in section 1(3) of the Children Act 1989 will apply, which looks at the wishes and feelings of the child, their physical, emotional and educationa­l QHHGV WKH OLNHO\ HಀHFW RQ them of any change in their circumstan­ces, their age, sex, background and characteri­stics, any harm ZKLFK WKH\ KDYH VXಀHUHG RU DUH DW ULVN RI VXಀHULQJ DQG how capable each of their parents are in meeting their needs. Since the Children and Families Act 2014 came into force, these applicatio­ns are reliant on a presumptio­n that unless the contrary is shown, the involvemen­t of a parent in the child’s life will further that child’s welfare.

In England and Wales, the determinat­ion of child arrangemen­ts is a two stage process with the

ࡼUVW FRQVLGHUDW­LRQ EHLQJ the amount of time that the child will spend with each of the parents and the second, being the label or terminolog­y attached to it (that is, whether the Child Arrangemen­ts Order should state that the child lives with one parent and spends time with the other, or lives with both parents.

It is a widely held misconcept­ion that shared care means a 50/50 split of time between the parents when they separate, however, this is not in fact the case. Shared care actually means that the child will spend time with each parent and the days or times to be spent with each parent ZLOO EH VSHFLࡼHG ZLWKLQ DQ order made by the Court, if the parents cannot agree.

So is 50/50 shared care the best? The primary considerat­ion for a Court is what is in the best interests of the child. In deciding whether the child’s time should be split between the parents, the main factors considered by the Court relate to

The Court will always consider that it is in the best interests of the child to see both parents (unless there are exceptiona­l circumstan­ces) and would not ask the child to “choose” one parent over the other. However, the older the child is, the more likely the Court will take into considerat­ion their wishes as to whom they would like to spend their time with or in which parent’s home. Clearly, the wishes of a 14 year old, and where they want to spend their time will be far more compelling than the wishes of an 8 year old.

It is also to be noted that a Child Arrangemen­ts Order expires when the young person reaches the age of 18. However, you can only apply for a Child Arrangemen­ts Order for a child aged between 16-18 in exceptiona­l circumstan­ces.

Whilst the key advantages of equal shared care include the EHQHࡼWV ZKLFK FDQ ࡽRZ IURP the substantia­l involvemen­t of both parents in the life of a child including better emotional and psychologi­cal wellbeing and that the child perceives that both parents have equal status in terms of their parental powers and responsibi­lities, this is not the case, if it is inconsiste­nt with the best interests and welfare of the child. This therefore reinforces the principle that any shared care arrangemen­t should have the wellbeing of the child as its priority.

Ultimately, what is essential IRU DQ\ SDUHQW ZKR ࡼQGV themselves in a position of having to decide on a shared care arrangemen­t for their children is to try to maintain an amicable and open co-parenting relationsh­ip with the other, as this will best facilitate meeting their child’s needs. The best child arrangemen­ts will require an element of ࡽH[LELOLW\ DQG WKLV LV EHVW achieved by parents who can be civil and conciliato­ry with one another.

Unfortunat­ely, this is not always possible and if parents cannot agree on where the child should live there are 3 options

1. Family mediation to help them reach an agreement.

2. Making an applicatio­n to the Court for a Child Arrangemen­ts Order to determine where the child should reside.

3. Agreeing to Arbitratio­n, with

WKH HಀHFW WKDW DQ independen­t arbitrator will make a decision. An arbitrator can be a specialist family barrister or solicitor or a retired Judge.

This publicatio­n is a general summary of the law. It should not replace legal advice WDLORUHG WR \RXU VSHFLࡼF circumstan­ces.

The age of the child/children;

• The child’s needs;

• The practicali­ties and logistics of daily life for the child; Where both parents reside in relation to each other;

Work patterns of the parents;

Any family support either parent has available to them.

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