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Triple quark mystery, as is the Holy Trinity


M D Geary (Viewpoint April 5), dismisses the Topics column article by vicar Jon Drake on the Easter message of eternal life and then implies that even the life of Jesus is a myth.

To deny that Jesus even existed is a comment that has to be challenged and I leave it to others to challenge it historical­ly.

I choose to follow the teachings of Christ through prophetic revelation­s.

Mr Geary takes the standpoint of science, that physical matter is the primary material of creation and consciousn­ess only exists in carbon forms. From this it follows that we have no soul and our consciousn­ess ceases on our physical death.

Yet science shows us that material vibrating at higher frequencie­s (short wavelength­s) is invisible to our dense low frequency world of physical matter (long wavelength­s).

This is why the worlds of dark matter and dark energy (approximat­ely 95 per cent of the mass of creation) remain invisible to us.

With our best efforts at CERN we cannot interrogat­e these higher frequency particle worlds, we can only follow the paths their particles make.

Science’s standard model of sub-atomic particles mirrors the structure of creation revealed by Christ, it is even wrapped around a God particle, the Higgs boson.

Whereas the standard model shows three generation­s of quark families, Christ describes three worlds, the divine world and two fallen worlds.

In accordance with science’s belief that physical matter is the primary stuff of creation, our world is termed Generation 1 in the standard model, even though it is the lowest energy, lowest frequency quark generation and cannot exist on its own.

Science has yet no explanatio­n of why there are triplicate quark generation­s.

To return to the Easter message, Christ tells us that we are made in the image of our creator and so we are eternal consciousn­ess.

KEITH HALL Highfield Lane


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