Manchester Evening News

Holidaymak­er’s trip ruined after being sold fake Euros

Teacher only discovered the notes were counterfei­t while trying to pay in Malta shop

- Todd Fitzgerald @TFitzgeral­dMEN

AHOLIDAYMA­KER’S trip abroad was ruined after she discovered 600 Euros she bought from a foreign exchange were counterfei­t.

Pauline Westall visited The Money Shop in Oldham town centre ahead of her getaway to Malta last month.

She changed more than £400 at the store, but was left stunned when a Maltese shopkeeper told her one of her 50 Euro notes was bogus. Ms Westall was left red-faced again after visiting a department store and questioned by staff about another fake note.

Bosses at The Money Shop, on Curzon Street, are investigat­ing before deciding whether to give Ms Westall a refund.

She had some of the cash earmarked for another trip to Spain to visit her brother and could face flying out penniless.

The 55-year-old teacher said: “At first I thought it was only one of the notes and didn’t think anything of it.

“But I also went into a Debenhams store, where they told me another note I was trying to use was fake.

“They held the note up to the light and showed me the difference with a genuine one. It was really embarrassi­ng.

“When we got back to the hotel I checked the rest of the money and it was all the same.

“Luckily, my partner had some cash with him, but we were still limited in what we could do.

“It was upsetting and ruined the holiday.

“I actually ended up feeling really guilty because I used one of the notes at a bar – so a poor bar owner has a counterfei­t note in his till.”

Ms Westall, who returned to Oldham on Saturday, has reported the matter to police and complained to The Money Shop.

A spokesman said: “The Money Shop is sorry to hear of Ms Westall’s difficulti­es on holiday.

“We are investigat­ing to see whether the notes concerned came in a batch supplied to us by our regular, reputable wholesaler, and in turn to the customer.

“Should they have done so, The Money Shop will of course consider compensati­ng Ms Westall.”

Ms Westall added: “It is a nightmare.

“The money was also there to cover my trip to see my brother and now there’s a chance I will be out there with no money.

“This could now possibly ruin two trips.”

‘It was upsetting and ruined the holiday’

Pauline Westall says her holiday was ruined after she discovered the notes were fake while in Malta

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