Manchester Evening News


Thousands of goods have been confiscate­d in crackdown to ‘unclog’ city centre

- Alex Hibbert @alexghibbe­rt

DOZENS more pedlars targeting city centre shoppers – including a Minnie Mouse impersonat­or handing out balloons – have been identified by council chiefs as part of a crackdown on ‘nuisance’ sellers.

The clampdown has seen thousands more goods seized from unlicensed sellers as town hall bosses attempt to unclog Market Street and Piccadilly Gardens.

The woman inside the Disney costume was seen giving out balloons with a sign suggesting a ‘£1 voluntary donation’. The council’s legal department is looking into taking action to stop the ‘lucrative venture’.

A flower seller who provided false informatio­n was arrested, but later released. A musician handing out his own CDs in return for a ‘donation’ was also approached.

The action comes after city chief Coun Pat Karney set up a task force to tackle unlicensed traders and pedlars breaching the rules on the city’s busiest streets.

Describing the city centre as a ‘circus’, he said the operation’s aim was also to reduce the amount of ‘chuggers’ and noisy buskers and preachers.

A busker drumming in Piccadilly Gardens packed up and left after being served with a noise abatement notice.

The Manchester City Council Act allows officers to seize goods from pedlars caught trading for five minutes or more in one location or in a spot less than 200 metres from their previous position.

Almost 4,000 items – including inflatable toys, jewellery, umbrellas and bubble guns – were seized over the weekend from four pedlars not sticking to the rules.

Another trading without the required certificat­e was also targeted. He was later arrested by officers on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.

A group of council staff claimed to have been confronted by an ‘aggressive’ group of six pedlars dismayed by the action on Sunday.

Coun Karney said: “We’re making good progress on the campaign. We have now been out on two consecutiv­e weekends and confiscate­d thousands of items.

“The large scale of seizures made by town hall staff clearly shows that we mean business. The pub- lic are on our side on these issues. Any aggressive or violent behaviour towards council staff will be reported to the police.”

Coun Karney will soon tour the city with deputy police and crime commission­er, Jim Battle, to see the operation first-hand.

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