Manchester Evening News

‘Small firms dragging their feet on auto enrolment’


MORE than four out of 10 small firms are waiting until the last minute to sign up their employees to an auto enrolment pension scheme, research shows.

A study by financial advisory firm Wealthcare found 43 per cent of companies which registered through its AE on a Plate online platform did so less than a month before their deadline, or staging date. Wealthcare’s research found 12.5 per cent missed their deadline altogether, signing up after their staging date had passed.

Auto enrolment is a government initiative designed to encourage people to save for their retirement through a pension scheme at work.

Firms which fail to comply with their auto enrolment responsibi­lities risk being fined by The Pensions Regulator. Up to December 2016, the regulator had issued 31,680 compliance notices and 9,831 fixed penalty notices.

Companies which ignore the fines can be subject to CCJs, which can affect their ability to borrow money.

Stephen Cainer, joint managing director of Wealthcare, said: “Our figures show there is still an alarming lack of preparatio­n on the part of employers around the UK. Auto enrolment is a legal duty for employers to enrol their staff in a workplace pension scheme and pay contributi­ons. The earlier they prepare, the smoother the transition will be. Planning in advance is essential.”

 ??  ?? Stephen Cainer, joint MD
Stephen Cainer, joint MD

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