Manchester Evening News

Major is much too late

- Bill Newham, Worsley

SAM Darby, of Burnage Green Party, may presume that “a majority seem to be in favour of remaining in the EU” (Viewpoints, March 4) and is quite right that former Prime Minister John Major is entitled to his views, as we all are, but he’s missed the boat; Major did get us out of the Euro, which former Shadow Chan- cellor Ed Balls predicted would be a disaster.

After months of agonising argument over staying or leaving, a majority voted to leave with a 72% turnout.

Coupled with 498 cross party MPs voting to trigger article 50, with 114 against, which part of the democratic process does Mr Darby not understand?

Claiming we didn’t understand what we were voting for insults the intelligen­ce of electors, especially in the face of fatuous fearmonger­ing and not a repeat of 1975.

We were then conned into voting to join a Common Market, which would be fine, but unaware of the hidden agenda to create an organisati­on with tentacles controllin­g every aspect of our lives; without redress.

Remainers are fighting a rearguard action to maintain the status quo and thwart the will of the people, whilst the expensive EU is imploding with mass unemployme­nt in southern Europe, the Italian banking system on the verge of collapse and national elections showing widespread rebellion.

Divorce is costly and painful, though can be amicable, but enough is enough.

Hopefully, a settlement based on goodwill and mutual interest will prevail. I FEEL I must reply to Sam Derby’s comment that we voted to join the EU 43 years ago.

We did not, what we voted for was to join the EEC (the Common Market). Over the years, this organisati­on has been stealthily changed into what is now the EU an organisati­on which bears no resemblanc­e to the EEC apart from the trade side of it. Sam Nicholls, Gorton

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