Manchester Evening News

Brother and sister break bizarre news


- By ALEX SCAPENS @AlexScapen­sMEN

SCHOOL break time was given a whole new meaning when a brother and sister fractured the same bone in their wrists – in separate accidents just ten minutes apart.

First Sam Ryan, 12, suffered a buckle fracture in a fall as he warmed up for a PE lesson at Priestnall School, in Heaton Mersey, Stockport.

Then his sister, Connie, nine, was left with the same injury when she also took a tumble warming up for her PE class at St Thomas’s Primary, in nearby Heaton Chapel.

Mum Louise had been driving to collect Sam and take him to hospital when she received a call from her daughter’s school to say the same thing had happened to her.

She said: “I pulled over and the school said Connie had fallen on her wrist in PE and could I come and get her. My reaction was – are you joking?

“I’d had exactly the same conversati­on with exactly the same words ten minutes earlier with Sam’s school. I thought it must be the worst practical joke I’d heard in a long time.

“It’s so strange, it must be the same odds as winning the lottery. It’s not even as though they are accident prone, Sam’s fallen off his bike once and that’s it.

“They are fine, it is a bit uncomforta­ble for them and hurts if they knock it but they can see the funny side now, or at least what a huge coincidenc­e it is.”

Having picked both her children up, Louise, of Tatton Road South, Heaton Moor, took them to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

Doctors said that Sam and Connie had identical fractures – albeit on different wrists – and put her right arm in a cast. Sam’s was put in a splint as he’d had a break previously in the bike accident and disliked having a

cast. The accidents resulted in Louise and husband Blake having to cancel a skiing holiday to Italy that was due to start the week later. Connie said: “I was upset at the time but now I’m just shocked that we both did it at the same time.” She and her brother will go back to the hospital together in three weeks to have the cast and splint taken off. Then it may be another two weeks before they can do PE again. Louise, who works as a solicitor, added: “You try and look for a silver lining and if both Connie and Sam are going to break their wrists it’s best they do it together and it’s only one trip to hospital.”

I thought it must be the worst practical joke I’d heard in a long time Louise, Sam and Connie’s mum

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 ??  ?? Sam and Connie Ryan show off their broken bones
Sam and Connie Ryan show off their broken bones

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