Manchester Evening News

Gambling addict who chopped up pal gets life

- By JOHN SCHEERHOUT @johnscheer­hout

A DEBT-RIDDEN gambling addict who brutally murdered his rich pal so he could blow £180,000 at the casino has been jailed for life.

Ming Jiang, 43, was told he must serve a minimum 33 years behind bars before he can be considered for parole.

He had denied murder but was convicted last week following a trial.

And appearing again before Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court he has now been given the stern sentence.

Jiang, 43, bludgeoned Yang Liu, 36, to death, dismembere­d the body and stuffed it in a suitcase before torching the remains to hide his victim’s identity and evade capture.

Jiang and Liu, both Chinese nationals originally from Beijing, had been friends and sometimes gambled together at the same tables at Manchester 235 casino.

But Jiang had become addicted to gambling and wracked up losses totalling £273,115.

To solve his money woes he lured Yang Liu, a divorcee with two children, to his home on Falconwood Way in Beswick to kill him.

Police believe he probably killed his victim, a wealthy graduate who dabbled on the stock market, with a blow to the head on October 5 last year.

He then used a blade to remove Liu’s lower legs and arms at the joints and also his head, leaving his home covered in blood.

Over the next four days, Jiang tried to clean up his blood-soaked flat and made several trips to his victim’s plush apartment at MediaCity in Salford.

He had worked as cabin crew for Lufthansa in Germany where he was convicted of credit card fraud and he used this expertise to assume Mr Liu’s identity, even taking some of his clothes, before draining his former friend’s bank accounts. He blew £178,000 on chips at Manchester 235 in the fortnight after the slaughter and bought himself a designer bag from Selfridge’s.

He put the Salford Quays apartment up for sale – hoping to make a quick £150,000.

On October 9, he stuffed the torso into a Samsonite suitcase and took it to a layby off the A628 Woodhead Pass near Tintwistle in Derbyshire before setting it on fire.

Speaking after the sentence was delivered, Detective Chief Inspector Terry Crompton, of GMP’s major incident team, said: “Not content with committing the brutal and disturbing murder of his friend, Jiang sought to hide his crimes by abandoning and burning his body before stealing his identity, emptying his bank account and trying to sell his property.”

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