Manchester Evening News

Only third polled say mayor is a good idea


ONLY a third of people polled by the M.E.N. say electing a mayor on Thursday is a good idea.

Nearly 40 per cent of those surveyed online said they still did not know enough about the role to tell whether they supported it in principle or not – while more than a quarter thought it was a bad idea.

Respondent­s in Trafford were most engaged with the mayoral vote, ranking as most aware of the election, the most likely to vote and the most in favour of having the new role in the first place.

People in Bolton were least likely to vote, and those in Tameside the least supportive of having a mayor.

The latest survey of more than 3,000 people again shows Labour’s Andy Burnham out in front.

If the results were reflected in the actual election, he would win on the first round with 54pc overall, in line with a similar survey carried out by the M.E.N last month.

Among those who said they would vote, Mr Burnham was the most popular candidate in every borough.

He recorded his strongest support in Manchester, where 58pc of respondent­s picked him as their first choice, followed by Wigan – his home turf – and Trafford, where 55pc gave him first preference.

His weakest area was Rochdale, where just more than 45pc of people went for him as their top pick.

Rochdale also recorded the highest levels of Ukip support, at just over 13pc of those who said they would vote, compared to just 3.5pc in Stockport.

Conservati­ve Sean Anstee polled strongest in Bolton, Bury, Salford and Trafford – the latter his home turf – and recorded 15pc of first preference­s across the whole region.

The poll, carried out using Google Surveys, asked 3,312 people a range of questions related to the mayoral election.

It showed 72.4pc of people are now aware of the vote taking place, but that varied significan­tly from place to place.

The NHS was the biggest electoral issue overall, a choice reflected among supporters of all parties apart from Ukippers, who chose immigratio­n.

Overall 28pc of people said they won’t vote, ranging from exactly a third in Bolton to 20pc in Trafford.

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