Manchester Evening News

We can turn back tide of falsehood


THE phenomena of ‘fake news’ has exploded across the media and public life.

It’s now as glib a retort as ‘no comment’ used to be. While undoubtedl­y the likes of Donald Trump throw around the label to deflect valid criticism, there’s no denying that the trust in the news/informatio­n out there has been undermined.

Just what can you believe among the swirling content that fills your social media feeds?

Bogus news masquerade­s as the real thing, put out there by people with their own agendas or by those being plain malicious.

They can be very readable and believable. An analysis of data by BuzzFeed showed that the top 20 fake stories before the US election generated more shares and comments than the top 20 genuine articles.

The consequenc­es for democracy are obvious and dangerous. The French election last weekend was also besmirched by phoney news.

The winner Emmanuel Macron said comments made by his opponent Marine Le Pen were based on false online articles that alleged he had off-shore bank accounts.

And with Britain heading for the polls in a few weeks’ time, the spectre of fake news and the damage it can do is casting a long shadow. Before Theresa May called her snap poll, MPs launched a parliament­ary inquiry in the ‘growing phenomenon of fake news.’

They were concerned that the public are influenced by propaganda and untruths peddled for vested interests and guaranteed to undermine democracy.

So what can we at the M.E.N. – and you our audience – do to turn back the tide of falsehoods? We need to emphasise how anything published under the brand M.E.N. is genuine, not fabricated.

And our readers need to be cynical of what pops up on their social feeds from unknown sources.

The M.E.N. has been providing Greater Manchester – and now, in the digital age – the whole world – with legitimate, trusted content since 1868. We are human and we do mistakes - but we move quickly to address them as quickly as possible by publishing clarificat­ions and, where necessary, apologies.

Why should you trust us as the general election nears?

We operate under strict guidelines – The Editors’ Code of Practice which is enforced by the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on It covers a wide range of standards – from accuracy, the protection of children, privacy, harassment and public interest. And on top, unlike hidden sources on the internet, we are subject to the law of land, including libel, defamation and contempt of court.

All our journalist­s are fully trained in all aspects of the profession – including the right to reply. The editors’ code and the ethics of good journalism underpin everything they do.

Before we publish a word - online or in print - articles go through a rigorous checking process. We never publish and be damned.

We live in the communitie­s we serve and deal with same people time and again. We would be nothing without their trust as well as the trust of our readers.

We are fair accurate and impartial – we have no axe to grind – only to inform, investigat­e and to entertain.

In the run-up to the election, we will be fair and balanced in our reporting. We will be vigilant and rigorous in checking everything we write before we hit the button to publish.

We will hold to account those wishing to serve our audience and never lose sight that, in these unusual times, whatever you read in the M.E.N. be it in print, online, on Twitter of Facebook, you must rest assured that it is real.

Trust us on that just as we hope you trust us on everything else.

 ??  ?? French presidenti­al election winner Emmanuel Macron said some comments by his opponent Marine Le Pen were based on false online articles
French presidenti­al election winner Emmanuel Macron said some comments by his opponent Marine Le Pen were based on false online articles
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