Manchester Evening News

Danczuk: A vote for me is a vote against Corbyn


- By HELEN JOHNSON @MENnewsdes­k

SIMON Danczuk has confirmed he will stand to be Rochdale’s MP again at the general election.

The 50-year-old was banned from standing as a Labour candidate at next month’s poll earlier this week.

Mr Danczuk quit the party - before confirming he will stand as an independen­t.

Labour bosses suspended Mr Danczuk from the party in 2015 after a newspaper investigat­ion found he had sent explicit texts to a 17-yearold girl.

He previously said he would take legal action if he was not reinstated by the party.

Mr Danczuk launched a scathing attack on Labour’s Rochdale candidate, Tony Lloyd, claiming he ‘sees Parliament as a retirement home rather than a place he can make Rochdale’s voice heard.’

Mr Lloyd, a former chairman of the party, was the Greater Manchester’s police and crime commission­er from 2012 - and the region’s interim mayor - until the election of Andy Burnham last week. Other candidates announced so far for the Rochdale seat include Jane Howard for the Conservati­ves and Andy Kelly for the Lib Dems.

Mr Danczuk said a vote for him is a ‘vote against Jeremy Corbyn.’

His nomination papers were submitted and accepted by Rochdale council’s election team on Tuesday.

Mr Danczuk said: “Rochdale deserves a strong local voice in Parliament. I’ve provided that over the last seven years and now stand on my record of speaking up and helping people.

“Rochdale doesn’t need a political stooge who has been imposed on the local Labour party by Corybn’s cronies in London.

“Corybn’s Labour are taking Rochdale people for granted by assuming they will just vote for any Corbyn extremist that they get to stand.

“I’m not convinced that Tony Lloyd has a strong enough voice or the energy and enthusiasm to represent Rochdale well.

“It’s as though Tony, who is 68, sees Parliament as a retirement home, in which he can potter around, rather than a place where he can make Rochdale’s voice heard.”

Mr Danczuk added: “I’ve already received lots of encouragem­ent from Rochdale people, with many saying they were much more comfortabl­e voting for an independen­t rather than Corybn’s Labour party.

“There is no doubt that a vote for Danczuk is a vote against Corbyn.

“Rochdale people want someone who is a strong voice for Rochdale and I believe, based on my track record, I’m the best person to be that voice.”

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