Manchester Evening News

Decision over road repair work is offside!


HOW considerat­e for Manchester council to allow roadworks to start closing the Alan Turing Way and Queens Road from August 19.

This date is two days before Manchester City’s first home game with Everton – and the roads mentioned are main arteries to the Etihad Stadium. John Bottomley, Clayton

Supermarke­t shocker!

SUPERMARKE­TS tend to be where people show their true colours when it comes to bad manners, arrogance and ignorance and it’s right across all sexes and ages.

Supermarke­ts for some reason bring out the worst in people.

Once people enter a supermarke­t any form of respect for their fellow humans is left at the entrance. In the supermarke­t it’s every person for her or himself, no excuse me or after you just pushing, shoving general stupidity rule.

Why people need to reverse backwards or push their trolley sideways on is beyond me.

Once certain people get to the reduced section it’s like an act of war if you get in their way.

Why, oh why, people pick up and molest everything in site is confusing – I thought you looked with your eyes not your hands!

Let’s not forget those who don’t seem to sense you’re trying to get past.

I think that when we enter the supermarke­t we should be supplied with some kind of electronic cattle prodding device to shock these individual­s into reality – now that would really be a case of supermarke­t shocking. G Jarvis, Gorton

Green taxes? Bring ‘em on!

A COUPLE of days ago I read an understand­ably anonymous Viewpoints letter bemoaning the ‘nudge’ of ‘Green taxes,’ pushing the idea that renewables are unreliable, and extolling the virtues of nuclear electricit­y generation and coal.

I know it’s the ‘silly season’ but really!

The principle ‘The polluter pays’ seems eminently reasonable - or should the victim?

Yes, the sun and wind aren’t constant, but they aren’t the only renewables available.

Tidal barrages, hydroelect­ric and wave generation could indeed give reliable generation and the rapid developmen­ts in storage technologi­es are leaping forward making yester-years solutions obsolete.

The one-time seduction of nuclear power is now evaporatin­g as the legacy costs come home to roost and hidden environmen­tal and carbon costs of producing and servicing the concrete and lead monsters are assessed- quite apart from the worry that they might go wrong and one Fukushima or Chernobyl could ruin your whole day.

And coal, like other fossil fuels, can only go on getting more expensive.

Getting people onto local renewables cuts their bills (as does promoting efficiency), so they save money.

And it’s not only in terms of the cash price and also environmen­tal.

We should not only consider our finite hydrocarbo­ns as too valuable chemical resources to burn, we should remember the inconvenie­nt fact that even what your correspond­ent called ‘benign’ CO2 causes climatic chaos – set to cost our economy many times what decarbonis­ing will.

And perhaps we should consider the people of Hebden Bridge and Calderdale, flooded out a couple of years ago, or this week Liberia and other vulnerable communitie­s.

When poor people have to pull the bodies of their mud-drowned and crushed neighbours and families out of landslips brought on by extreme weather I say, ‘Green taxesbring ‘em on’! Claire Green, via email

Our NHS is marvellous

I WOULD like to say thanks for the wonderful treatment I received from three hospitals, North Manchester General, St Mary’s and Christies.

The doctors, nurses and staff were superb. I cannot thank them enough. The NHS do a marvellous job. J Hampson, Moston

Haven for homeless?

I’VE HEARD on the radio of a church in Heywood built in the late 1800s which is now being offered for sale for just £95,000.

How good it would be if a building such as this could be renovated to accommodat­e homeless people? MM, Middleton

A perfect Sunday out

GORTON Horticultu­ral Society’s 68th annual show is this Sunday (August 20) from noon until 4pm on the Gorton reservoir allotments site.

There will be a local craft fair and a family fun day – and it’s all free entry.

There is free parking at the donkey sanctuary on Green Fold – and we have ordered the sunshine as well.

What more do you want on a Sunday afternoon? Allan Grafton, Gorton

 ??  ?? This stunning image of a sunset over Eccles was sent in by Ged Morrison. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@ men-news., marking them Picture of the Day
This stunning image of a sunset over Eccles was sent in by Ged Morrison. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@ men-news., marking them Picture of the Day
 ??  ??

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