Manchester Evening News

Police appeal after rape

- By ALEXANDRA RUCKI @AlexandraR­ucki

POLICE have released an image of a man they want to speak to in connection with a rape in Didsbury.

A woman, in her 40s, was raped at a property in the south Manchester suburb in July.

Detectives say she met her attacker earlier that morning in Piccadilly Gardens.

The woman later reported the incident to police and an investigat­ion was launched. She is now being supported by specially-trained officers.

Police believe the man lives in Leeds. The attack happened at around 9am on Saturday, July 8. Officers have now released an image of a man they want to speak to in connection with the incident. Det Sgt Karl Perry, of GMP’s serious sexual offences unit, said: “We are offering the woman specialist support at this difficult time and help and support will always be there for people who come forward and report sexual offences. “If you recognise the man in the photo I urge you to get in touch with police as we want to speak to him in connection with this incident.” A GMP spokesman added: “Shortly before 10.40am on Saturday, July Det Sgt Karl Perry 8, 2017, police received a report that a woman in her 40s had been raped that morning, at about 9am, at a property in Didsbury.

“She had met the offender in the early hours of that morning in the Piccadilly Gardens area.

“The woman reported it to police and detectives have launched an investigat­ion, and want to speak to the man in the photo in connection with the attack.

“Police believe the offender lives in the Leeds area.”

Anyone with informatio­n can call police on 0161 856 1496, 101, or Crimestopp­ers, anonymousl­y, on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? Police want to speak to this man in connection with the incident
Police want to speak to this man in connection with the incident

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