Manchester Evening News

Another Christie worker is target of car theft thug


- By NEIL KEELING @MENnewsdes­k

THESE are the injuries suffered by a secretary who was mugged as she walked to work at The Christie.

The 45-year-old woman was one of seven female staff at the cancer hospital who have been robbed on their way to work.

A thug escaped with her handbag containing bank cards and the keys to her Mercedes which he later stole.

The victim, who asked not to be named, said: “I was walking along Parkville Road after parking my car. He came up behind me and pushed me to the ground. Then he kicked me a few times - I was left with his footprint on my arm. He kicked me in the shoulder.

“I would not let go of my bag. He dragged me past two driveways. He only got it because the metal in the strap broke.

“As well as cash, cards, my car keys and phone, my bag contained pictures of my children and notes from them written when they were small. I asked him if I could just take those out of the bag but he ran off.”

The victim, a personal assistant in the haematolog­y department, has since left her job. She added: “Two young women who work at the hospital helped me and a man gave chase but the culprit ran off.”

The car was found a few days later, written off, after it hit a wall.

The M.E.N reported earlier this week how another member of staff was mugged on November 16 by a gang in a 4x4 Jeep. She, too, was walking to work and suffered concussion, bruising and cuts.

A spokespers­on for The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It is absolutely unacceptab­le that some of our staff have been subjected to theft and violent behaviour on their daily commute.

“We take the health and safety of all our staff very seriously and provide a free park and ride service which enables staff to travel to and from work, safely and securely. This operates from 6.30am daily with onsite security providing a secure door to door service five minutes away from The Christie.

“We are doing all we can to offer our staff general safety advice and support and are liaising with GMP, which has confirmed that it is providing additional patrols in the area.

“Ultimately, criminal behaviour in the vicinity of the hospital is a police matter and we’ve been assured GMP is taking appropriat­e measures.”

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