Manchester Evening News

Man thought he was ‘going to die’ in machete attack

- By CHRIS SLATER @chrisslate­rMEN

A DAD has told how he thought he was going to die as he was hacked in the head with a machete in an unprovoked attack.

Andrew Taylor, 36, had gone into an outbuildin­g near his block of flats on the outskirts of Bolton town centre to check his electricit­y meter when he was savagely set upon.

Two men came into the room containing the meter, one of whom immediatel­y began to attack Andrew knocking him to the floor.

He then pulled the weapon, believed to be a machete, from his trousers, and began to hit him with it. However, he realised he had left on its protective cover and stopped to remove it before hacking at his head, leaving a big wound.

He hit him several more times, and also kicked him in the face, despite pleas from the second man, who did not join in the attack.

They eventually fled and Andrew managed to stumble into a friend’s flat at the apartment block on Garside Street where they dialled 999 as they attempted to stem the bleeding.

Both police and paramedics attended and he was rushed to hospital where his wound was stitched. He also suffered cuts and bruises to the rest of his head and face.

He still has no idea why he was targeted, and he is now appealing for help catching the culprits.

A Facebook post detailing his ordeal has already been shared several hundred times.

Andrew, a dad of two who has two teenage daughters told the M.E.N.: “I still can’t quite believe it actually happened.

“I honestly thought I was going to die.

“When I could feel the blood running down me and he was stood over me, I honestly thought he was going to kill me.

“But he seemed to be getting a buzz out of it and just wouldn’t stop.

“The other guy didn’t do anything.

“He just kept saying ‘leave it, leave it’ and ‘you’ve done him.’

“If it wasn’t for him I think he probably would have carried on.

“I’m still a bit sore but it could have been so much worse. Even the doctors said I was very lucky.”

Andrew said sometimes some homeless people sleep in the outbuildin­g and he sometimes brings them food, but he said he had no idea if it was a case of mistaken identity or a completely random attack.

He added: “I’ve absolutely no idea why he did it or what it was about. That’s one of the most frightenin­g things about it. When I was in there, there was nothing or no one else in there. I had an expensive phone on me and they didn’t take that or anything else so it definitely wasn’t a robbery.

“They need to be soon before they can hurt anyone else.”

Police confirmed the incident, which is being treated as a wounding with intent, had been reported to them and enquiries were ongoing.

 ??  ?? Andrew Taylor, 36, was attacked with a machete leaving a scar on his head
Andrew Taylor, 36, was attacked with a machete leaving a scar on his head

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