Manchester Evening News

Jungle Jennie gets vote of support from her husband



JENNIE McAlpine’s husband is so keen to get the Corrie star more involved in I’m A Celebrity, he’s voting for her to do some unpleasant Bushtucker trials.

Chris Farr and the couple’s threeyear-old son Albert arrived in Australia’s Gold Coast on Wednesday.

Chris said: “She absolutely has what it takes to be Queen of the Jungle.”

They have both been watching Jennie on-screen, but partner Chris hopes he can see more of her in the next few days.

He told our sister paper The Mirror: “We would love to see Jennie do more trials and it’s something that she wanted to do.

“She wanted the full Jungle experience, she wanted to do trials, to get to know everyone and see all the camp and everything. We’ve seen little snippets but as it goes on she will do more and more trials and we’ll see another side to Jennie.

“I’ve been voting on the app every day, even for the ones I know she wouldn’t really want to do. I think she’ll be okay with it, I think she’ll react well.

“I told her I was going to vote for her so I’m voting every time – for her to stay in and do trials.”

Chris said it would not matter to him or Albert if they had to wait a while before she joins them for a planned Aussie adventure.

Jennie missed Albert’s third birthday on Wednesday as she was taking part in the show but plans to celebrate it afterwards by taking him to

see the sights of Australia. Chris said he had mixed emotions about how soon he wanted to see his wife again.

He said: “We discussed it before saying we don’t know if the longer it is she’s in there, the better she’ll feel for doing it. But the longer she’s in there the less time we spend with her when she comes out so it’s a winwin in a way.

“If she comes out early which hopefully she doesn’t, we get a holiday together – but if not she hopefully wins the show. She absolutely has what it takes to be Queen of the Jungle.”

Jennie has also spoken about how she felt encouraged to do the show after the death of her father earlier in the year made her feel like she should come out of her shell and do something he would have encouraged her to take part in. She broke down when telling her campmates about her father passing away.

Chris added: “Jennie’s a very private person but she knew she would have to discuss the reason she was going in there and she did in one of the shows. She knew that would come with it because she’s spending time with 11 other people so there was always going to be that where you do discuss it, you can’t not talk to people and tell them. It’s never easy watching somebody you love get upset but we knew it was not going to be an easy thing to do go and spending a month without Albert but she’s coping fabulously.”

 ??  ?? Jennie McAlpine and husband Chris Farr
Jennie McAlpine and husband Chris Farr
 ??  ?? A shocked looking Jennie on I’m A Celebrity and right, undertakin­g trials with Georgia Toffolo and Amir Khan
A shocked looking Jennie on I’m A Celebrity and right, undertakin­g trials with Georgia Toffolo and Amir Khan
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