Manchester Evening News

Neighbours in shock as police step up inquiries


- By PAUL BRITTON @PaulBritto­nMEN

AN ex-army man who ‘just disappeare­d’ is how a neighbour has described a pensioner whose daughter has been arrested on suspicion of murdering him.

Kenneth Coombes is believed to have been buried in the back garden of a property at Matlock Road, Reddish, Stockport, for several years.

Mr Coombes, who served in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, would have been 100 in August this year.

Locals have spoken of their memories of the family at the centre of the police inquiry as a 63-year-old woman, named locally as Barbara Coombes, was last night questioned on suspicion of murder.

It is understood that Mrs Coombes, a mum-of-one, is fighting cancer.

The murder investigat­ion began after she allegedly walked into a police station on Sunday and told officers she had killed her father several years ago.

Her apparent confession led detectives to the family’s home.

Police completed a forensic search of the garden yesterday after finding human remains, believed to be those of a man, on Tuesday night.

A post-mortem examinatio­n was due to be held to try to determine a cause of death.

Neighbours said they believed Mr Coombes was a former soldier and described him as ‘strict’ with his family.

Terry Sever, 70, lived near the house and recalled Mr Coombes’ children not being allowed to play out.

“It just doesn’t seem real”, he said. “I lived near to the house and could see the garden from my bedroom window. Kenneth Coombes was the woman’s father. They kept themselves to themselves and I only spoke to him on occasions.

“One occasion that does stick in my mind was chatting about the building of a new estate with him.

“I remember talking about the noise to him. That must have been about 30 years ago. That’s the last time I spoke to him.”

Barbara Coombes’ ex-husband Bill Ball, 62, said yesterday that his former wife has been suffering from ill health.

He said: “Barbara has cancer. She has had it for years. Stomach cancer.”

Her mother Mary is understood to have died from the same condition in 1973, aged 49.

In Reddish, neighbour Mr Sever recalled speaking with the woman now

under arrest. “She used to say how strict her father was. If he wanted to watch something on television, her and her daughter used to have to go out of the room. He was very strict.

“To my knowledge this man Kenneth just disappeare­d. I was not that friendly to ask where he went. I just did not see him anymore.

“From 1995 I was home virtually all day and I do not remember him passing my front window and I am sure he would have done.

“It just all seems so unreal, like something from the television. I wish I could remember more, but I do recall the woman’s father being strict.

“I think the woman had two brothers but I do not remember them playing out.”

Another woman, who knew the family but asked not to be named, said she thought the woman’s father had died.

“I just assumed her dad died many years ago. We used to see them about but then you did not see them anymore. She has a daughter but I have not seen her for a long time.”

 ?? JOEL GOODMAN ?? A police forensics tent at the house on Matlock Road
JOEL GOODMAN A police forensics tent at the house on Matlock Road
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 ?? JOEL GOODMAN ?? Police at the house in Reddish yesterday
JOEL GOODMAN Police at the house in Reddish yesterday
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