Manchester Evening News

Boredom is turning our youngsters into vandals

- Howard Gardner, Sale

LAST year, following the launch of the bike-rental scheme, Mobike, it was reported in the M.E.N. that ‘nearly 20 incidents of theft or vandalism – included two being thrown in the canal – have so far been reported to police in the first 10 days of the scheme.’

Then in November, it was reported that, ‘vehicle vandalism, (slashed tyres, smashed windows and broken windscreen wipers), in Greater Manchester has risen by over a third in three years.’

Now it’s been reported that 25 taxis have had their windows smashed recently.

In 1955 I got a bicycle for Christmas, and nobody owned a car on the council estate where I lived.

For its scores of children, the streets were playground­s; with no TVs, computers, and mobile phones, (to harm mind and body), come rain or shine, my pals and I were always out playing.

With marbles, skimming cigarette cards, bogies, (wooden planks on pram-wheels which we built ourselves), climbing trees, fishing, kicky-out-ball, roller-hockey, collecting bonfire stock, bob-a-job, building bikes and dens, bike rides, and a great deal more, we’d no time for vandalism.

So before condemning and locking-up anymore youths, let’s consider that not only can children no longer play in the street, but Department for Transport figures show that last year 81 per cent of cars broke 20mph speed limits and seven children were killed or seriously injured every day.

As for 25 taxis being vandalised – last year also saw 125 cyclists being killed.

To cure lung cancer, you must first stop smoking. Maybe to ‘cure’ lawless youths, we must first stop, (foul-mouthed, horn-blasting, intimidati­ng), lawless driving, and, indeed, parking. Retired boy scout, name and address supplied

Be careful of ‘consultati­on’

HAVING read the article on the potential plans to the areas around the Gay Village, I would like to warn the activists who have shown concern (Big plans will see major redevelopm­ents, M.E.N., January 22).

Be very careful of the present city council. They have a habit of using the word ‘consultati­on’– which to lots of us is means just lip service to pacify objectors.

The Village has provided a very good source of income for local businesses and put Manchester on the map for tourism.

So be very wary of the council. City centre activist

Unhappy at airport visit

I WOULD like to complain about Manchester Airport.

The security staff shout and scream all the time, ordering the most obvious of things. They have ten staff just to tell you where to stand, when I know exactly which queue is the shortest. No other airport does this. Also, the airport’s toilets are in a terrible state.

Perhaps bosses should visit other airports to see how things should be done. Rod Elliot

Tragedy of Leigh’s death

IT is an enormous tragedy that Leigh Wilde, described by his wife Carol as a ‘very good teacher’ and also a ‘loving father to his children’ has ended up being a victim of suicide (Teacher killed himself after being suspended, M.E.N., January 22).

There is a very old saying that ‘the good often die young.’

And that fact can be seen to be true in a great many cases. For example – Princess Diana and Martin Luther King did not live to an old age. I watched a recording of the last episode of Inspector George Gently last night.

Even though what I was viewing was obviously fiction, they do say that the arts and cinema often do mirror true life.

And this is exactly what occurred to me when I saw Inspector George Gently ruthlessly murdered for being true to his moral conviction­s.

By taking a stand against the corruption that he saw all around him.

 ??  ?? Sean Nolan, from Warrington, took this wonderful photo of Manchester town hall. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@men-news., marking them Picture of the Day
Sean Nolan, from Warrington, took this wonderful photo of Manchester town hall. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@men-news., marking them Picture of the Day
 ??  ?? Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport

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