Manchester Evening News

Shopper hit in face with hammer in Spar raid


A SHOPPER was hit in the face with a hammer by masked thugs who raided a Spar for cigarettes and money.

The men, who also had a crowbar, were confronted by the brave customer after they raided the store in Appley Bridge, Wigan.

They also threatened the staff with the weapons during the terrifying robbery and ordeal.

The victim was left bleeding and staff at the store were left shaken following the break-in on Woodnock Road, police said.

The man carrying a hammer was white and around 5ft 6in.

The second man white, around 6ft 3in and of stocky build.

Both men wore black and had local accents, detectives said.

Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward following the incident at 9.50pm on Sunday, January 14.

Det Con Ian Pennington, from Wigan’s CID, said: “This was a brazen robbery.

“These cowards harmed an innocent member of the public all for some cash and cigarettes.

“Luckily the man wasn’t seriously injured but hitting anyone with a hammer could have had devastatin­g consequenc­es.

“The staff were also understand­ably really shaken up by this as you don’t expect to be faced with masked thieves threatenin­g you at work.

“If someone knows who did this, or has any informatio­n about the robbery, they should call police immediatel­y.”

Anyone with informatio­n is asked to call police on 101 quoting incident number 2022 of January 14, 2018.

Alternativ­ely, people can call Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

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