Manchester Evening News

Smiles better after Valentine’s surprise



A YOUNG disabled boy who ‘hates his face and wants a new one’ was bombarded with love this Valentine’s Day.

Warren Atkinson has Moebius syndrome, which means he is unable to move the left side of his face because he is missing two nerves.

The five-year-old from Salford confessed to his mum Jannine that he hated the way he looked and wanted ‘a new face.’

Heartbroke­n Jannine wanted to teach her son it’s what’s inside that counts.

She posted an appeal on Facebook asking people to send him cards to show how loved he is.

And yesterday morning, Warren was surprised with dozens of cards and gifts from kindhearte­d strangers. Jannine, 30, said his face lit up when he saw his mail.

“I hadn’t told him about what I wrote on Facebook and at first I did wonder if I’d done the right thing,” she said.

“After opening all the cards and presents Warren turned to me and said ‘thanks for doing this for me mummy.’

“When I heard him say that I knew it was worth it.

“To see strangers putting a smile on his face, showing him there are still people out there that care and want to help a little boy, was wonderful.”

Mum-of-three Jannine, of Cadishead, said Warren started making comments about his face a few months ago.

She added: “It seemed to come out of nowhere.

“No one at school has ever mentioned how he looks and no one we have met in the past has ever said anything. I just don’t know what to do to help him. I tell him all the time that he is beautiful and that it is what is on the inside that counts, but he still hates his face.

“As a mum it really breaks my heart.”

Warren’s condition has also left him with partial vision, as well as syndactyly of his hands, meaning his fingers and thumbs are fused together.

“The generosity and love from strangers has been absolutely amazing,” Jannine added.

“All the cards were lovely, they were telling him he was beautiful and special – it was wonderful.

“Warren was excited to open them before school. He asked me why he’d got the cards and whether it was his birthday – even though it’s in December.

“His face lit up as he opened them, he was so excited.”

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Warren with dad Keith and mum Jannine

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