Manchester Evening News

Oxfam feels funding chill


THE government is reportedly challengin­g Oxfam with the threat of withdrawin­g funding because of the behaviour of some of its employees years ago may be ‘payback.’

Likewise, many are already jumping on the bandwagon to ditch our internatio­nal aid program.

Paradoxica­lly this is an unholy alliance of enemies. Some are hard right isolationi­sts, others hard left who see capitalist colonialis­t machinatio­ns in any initiative by a Western government towards poor people. And others may just not get it.

Oxfam has for years been the go-to name for the BBC and papers. The middle classes are invited to stock, shop and staff Oxfam shops, and the charity has also attracted animosity from some for an alleged cosy relationsh­ip with government.

But for some years Oxfam, along with Christian Aid, War on Want and other NGOs – both working here and in developing countries – have challenged the lack of government action through tax justice movements seeking the closing down of loopholes and structures allowing rip-offs by tax dodgers and astronomic­al global inequaliti­es.

How convenient if Oxfam (and others) find their reputation besmirched, incomes collapse, and jobs threatened.

How handy if the chill threat of funding withdrawal leads to Oxfam (and others) to abandon giving offense to the powers that be, both in government and their friends in the city.

We shall see the true values of all those involved in how they behave. Joy Christians­on, Fallowfiel­d

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