Manchester Evening News

Heroes of Manchester Hill to be remembered


PLANS are under way to commemorat­e the part played by soldiers from the Manchester Regiment in a little-known battle that proved to be a forerunner to the last 100 days of the First World War.

The Battle of Manchester Hill took place on March 21, 1918, in an area of high ground just outside Saint-Quentin in northern France.

The hill had become known as Manchester Hill after being captured by the 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment the previous year. The Regiment continued to hold and defend their position there until March 1918 when the hill was attacked by the German army.

Despite a heroic defence by the 16th Battalion of the Manchester Regiment their action was unsuccessf­ul with most of the battalion dead or wounded by 4pm that day.

Out of eight officers and 160 men who went into action on the hill, just two officers and 15 other ranks returned to British lines. Amongst those who lost their lives was 29-year-old Lieutenant Colonel Elstob, who led his troops selflessly into battle with the words ‘Here we fight. Here we die.’

One hundred years on the actions of the valiant soldiers of the Manchester Regiment are to be remembered both here in Manchester and also in France – at the hill that still bears the name, Manchester Hill.

Commemorat­ive events include a wreathlayi­ng at the Cenotaph and a special service at Manchester Cathedral on April 15 - one hundred years to the day since a similar service was held there in 1918 to remember those who had just lost their lives in the battle.

To further mark the centenary Manchester Central Library will host an exhibition from April about Manchester Hill, featuring historic regimental photograph­s alongside pieces of creative writing from school pupils.

One hundred pupils from Greater Manchester schools will also be taking part in a battle-field tour, culminatin­g at Manchester Hill on March 21 - exactly 100 years to the day since the battle - for a service of commemorat­ion alongside local villagers and dignitarie­s.

Coun Tommy Judge, lead member for the armed forces, Manchester city council, said: “Manchester Hill was a significan­t event in the final months of the war in which many local young men gave their lives for their country. One hundred years on it’s important we remember this, and that we commemorat­e their courage and the sacrifice they made.”

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