Manchester Evening News

Bench sculpture of Jesus as a rough sleeper


- By PAUL BRITTON @MENnewsdes­k

A SYMBOLIC sculpture of Jesus Christ depicted as a homeless man on a park bench has been unveiled in Manchester city centre.

Designed by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz, the near life-size sculptures have been installed in cities around the world, but Manchester’s is the first in England.

Church of England leaders hope the poignant symbol will challenge the public to reflect and act on the city’s growing homelessne­ss crisis.

‘Jesus the Homeless’ depicts a figure wrapped in a blanket lying on a bench, with its pierced feet indicating it is Jesus.

Planning permission was granted by Manchester Council after Westminste­r City Council rejected an applicatio­n for a sculpture near the Houses of Parliament.

The sculpture was unveiled by a homeless man called Dave outside St Ann’s Church - a regular at outreach projects held by the church for rough sleepers in the city centre.

The unveiling followed a short service of dedication by the Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Revd Dr David Walker, who said it ‘casts Christ’s words into metal.’

He said: “Jesus is very explicit in the Bible - when we offer or refuse care to those in need, we will be judged as though he himself were the needy person before us.

“It links them directly to one of the most visible expression­s of human need. Its identical twins can be found in other great cities around the world; a reminder that Manchester today is a truly global city.”

Rector of St Ann’s Church, the Revd Nigel Ashworth, said the artwork would ‘challenge passers-by to question their attitude towards homeless and marginalis­ed people that they come across in their dayto-day lives.’

He said “For many people homelessne­ss is not simply about having no place to call home, but about living with some kind of emotional trauma. By giving the homeless Jesus space outside our church we are showing we stand in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, in the same way that Jesus had compassion on them in his earthly ministry.”

Churches in the city open up every year to help provide winter night shelters and other frontline services for homeless people.

St Ann’s is also working on a new project called ‘Morning Hours,’ in which hot drinks and toast are provided to rough sleepers before day centres open.

The sculpture was paid for by an anonymous donor and St Ann’s has raised the funds to put it in place.

It references the biblical parable of the sheep and goats and includes a plaque reading: “Jesus said, I was hungry and you gave me food.”

 ??  ?? The sculpture and artist Timothy Schmalz
The sculpture and artist Timothy Schmalz

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