Manchester Evening News

Connor is turning to art now Street’s evil Pat is no more


HE won an army of fans who have loved to hate evil Pat Phelan and his legendary character was even namechecke­d by rock legend Mick Jagger at the Rolling Stones concert at Old Trafford. Now, after the evil builder took his last breath on the cobbles, actor Connor McIntyre has discussed his future plans.

Connor, who played the builder turned serial killer for almost five years, felt the dark and gripping story had to reach its conclusion with Phelan’s death at the hands of Anna Windass, the woman he so cruelly and ruthlessly terrorised.

Anna may have been the one to end his life by stabbing him in the chest in dramatic scenes last Friday, but Connor still reckoned Phelan won in the end because he still had the upper hand.

Connor said: “He gives Anna a little snigger before his eyes go and really nobody has won.

“The snigger is not about anything other than him winning, going out on his terms to the very end.”

Viewers then saw Phelan for the last time as he was zipped into a body bag.

Connor, an artist in his spare time, is now looking forward to devoting more time to The Alamo Project, a mentor initiative for emerging artists based in Plymouth.

He is also gearing up to pull on a flamboyant dame costume to star alongside Les Dennis, who played one of his victims Michael Rodwell, as the Ugly Sisters in the festive pantomime Cinderella this December.

Asked if he’ll miss Pat, Connor said: “I am never going to escape him, am I? And I am very happy about all of that.

“But miss playing him? Sure, he is a treat, isn’t he, and he offers up so many possibilit­ies.

“But working in my studio, The Alamo, will help with that, I am sure.

“And I am signed up for the Manchester panto so me and Les Dennis will be playing the ugly sisters in Cinderella what a beautiful counterpoi­nt and the perfect antidote.”

 ??  ?? The end of Pat Phelan in Corrie
The end of Pat Phelan in Corrie

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