Manchester Evening News


- Simon.binns@trinitymir­ @simonbinns

WHEN it comes to festivals, it turns out Lauren Mayberry has spent more time on stage at them than she has under canvas as a punter. Such has been the rise of Chvrches’ success since their first album - The Bones of What You Believe - in 2013, the Glasgow band have been around the world thanks to the summer festival circuit.

“We’ve played so many festivals that I can’t actually remember how many I went to watch when I wasn’t in the band,” she says. “It’s hard to actually get to go to them because we’re normally travelling between them, Or playing them. There was a little one in Scotland called Connect I went to. I think I was about 19. I camped. That was good.”

It’s a first time at Parklife this weekend though - forming part of a strong Sunday night bill on the main stage with Everything Everything, Skepta and Liam Gallagher - but Lauren has fond memories of Manchester. Memories that remind her of home.

“I think Manchester is a lot like Glasgow,” she says. “It’s a really good fun city. There’s always a good atmosphere when we play there and they’re both cities that are really alive with music. It seems to have far more output creatively than its actual size.

“I’ve good heard things about Parklife. It sounds like a proper old school festival. So many of them have moved towards being driven by or for social media and influencer­s. If you look at Coachella, I’d bet it’s pretty different to how it was ten years ago.

“So I like the fact that lots of smaller festivals have popped up, where you can have much more of a curated feel.”

Now based in New York, Mayberry seems to have found a smooth transition between UK and US living - largely thanks to having toured the country so often in the last five years. New album Love Is Dead sees the band retain their electro-pop spark, but Mayberry says there’s a harder edge to their live shows these days.

“We’ve brought a live drummer in now, which changes things up a bit,” she says. “On record, we’re essentiall­y a pop band, but our live shows are really influenced by altrock stuff. It’s been a good move.”

Although Chvrches are a band of three, much of the focus tends to fall on the singer. Strong, outspoken on issues of sexism and misogyny and happy to bite back at internet trolls and online reviewers, Mayberry has gathered a fair amount of internet attention - and not all of it positive.

“Being a woman on the internet is hard and pretty f***ing sh*tty at times,” she says. “By and large the internet is a positive place, and it connects us to people and things that are great,” she says. “It really helped our band get noticed and signed, and there’s still plenty of that old school community thing happening. So we’re really grateful for all of that.

“But all the bad stuff... I try and look at it with empathy I suppose. Try and understand where those negative things come from.”

That philosophi­cal stance is setting Chvrches up nicely for another run of summer festivals, with the band in ‘a good place.’ A blistering recent set at Primavera Sound has set them up nicely for Heaton Park.

“I’m feeling really positive about where we are,” she says. “I feel we’re connecting with people - especially live. So yeah, it’s all feeling pretty good.”

Roll on Parklife then. Any festival essentials?

“Well, you have to have sunscreen. But you know...UK you’d better have something waterproof too...”

Chvrches play Parklife’s main stage at Heaton Park on Sunday

 ??  ?? Chvrches

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