Manchester Evening News

A remedy for better health

Many people swear by herbal medicines – but do they work and how safe are they? LISA SALMON has all you need to know


HERBAL remedies have been the foundation of healthcare throughout history, and many modern drugs are derived from plants. But while sometimes only prescribed drugs and medical treatments are suitable, the British Herbal Medicine Associatio­n (BHMA) points out that even today, herbs can be ideal complement­s to modern medicines.

It’s estimated that more than a third of Brits regularly use traditiona­l herbal medicines to treat minor ailments, such as coughs and colds, back pain, sleep problems and stress. Do herbal medicines work? SOME studies have found that certain traditiona­l herbal remedies can have a beneficial effect. Researcher­s from King’s College London, for example, examined traditiona­l Indian diabetes treatments and cancer treatments used in China and Thailand, and found they had useful properties. In the case of diabetes, extracts from the curry leaf tree were found to have positive effects in helping regulate the release of glucose into the bloodstrea­m.

Another King’s study found ‘promising activity’ against lung cancer cells from certain Eastern plants, particular­ly the Thai aquatic weed Ammannia baccifera, and the Chinese plant Illicium verum or star anise.

Conversely, while ginkgo biloba has been said to enhance memory and help treat dementia, several US studies have found it has no effect. And although garlic is thought to help lower cholestero­l, a 2007 Stanford University study found it made no significan­t difference. Much of the evidence for the effectiven­ess of herbal medicines is anecdotal, and complement­ary medicine experts say full – and very expensive – clinical trials need to be carried out to confirm or refute any benefits. Are herbal medicines safe? IT’S important to remember that just because something’s available without prescripti­on or is ‘natural’, doesn’t automatica­lly make it safe. A recent survey found 58% of respondent­s believed herbal products were safe because they’re ‘natural’, but some can actually have harmful side-effects.

St John’s Wort, for example, can stop the contracept­ive pill from working and also makes the asthma-relieving drug aminophyll­ine less effective, while ginkgo and ginseng are known to interfere with the blood-thinning drug warfarin. So if you’re taking any other medication­s or have ongoing health problems – or even if you’re just unsure, it’s important to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

And don’t be tempted to self-diagnose and treat symptoms that may need to be investigat­ed. As the BHMA advises: “It is, of course, always wise to check with your health profession­al if any symptom is severe or lasts for longer than a few days.”

In 2011, a scheme designed to guarantee the quality of herbal medicines in the UK was launched by the government regulator, the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The THR (Traditiona­l Herbal Registrati­on) scheme covers herbal medicines used for a wide range of conditions suitable for self-medication.

Although THR medicines haven’t undergone rigorous clinical trials like synthetic drugs, they’ve been judged by experts to be safe. The manufactur­ers also have to prove their products have been made to strict standards and contain a consistent and clearly marked dose.

“The THR scheme ensures people have access to herbal medicines that are safe and of good quality, and that have informatio­n on how to use them correctly,” says the MHRA. “People should only buy over-the-counter herbal medicines that they know have met safety standards... THR products are assessed on the basis of their traditiona­l use as herbal medicinal products and while evidence of safety is required in order to obtain registrati­on, evidence of efficacy is not.”

Consumers can tell if a herbal medicine is registered by looking for the THR number, and usually a logo, on the packaging. THR medicines will also contain officially-approved informatio­n on their safe use. What are different herbal remedies for? HERE, Dr Dick Middleton, a retired pharmacist and now director of the BHMA, outlines – in no particular order – his top 10 medicinal herbs...


“For relieving stress with an energy boost as well, the herb Rhodiola is difficult to beat,” says Dr Middleton.


“Take this herbal remedy at the first signs of a cold to keep the symptoms at bay. Always take regularly for at least two days after symptoms have disappeare­d completely,” he suggests. 3 DEVIL’S CLAW Dr Middleton says research shows root extracts of this herb have anti-inflammato­ry, muscle relaxant and pain-relieving properties. “Take for all types of muscle and joint pain,” he suggests.


“This herb relieves stress and anxiety and has a calming effect on mood,” says Dr Middleton, who suggests it’s particular­ly helpful for relieving insomnia caused by worry and anxiety, when taken in combinatio­n with Valerian.


Said to relieve menopausal symptoms. Dr Middleton says it’s also effective for mood swings too.


“Valerian root extract has been shown to improve the quality of sleep, but always take it for a few weeks in order to gain maximum benefit,” advises Dr Middleton.


This herb has been used for many years to relieve symptoms of colds and flu. Many users also believe it has immune-boosting properties.


Milk Thistle is widely used to relieve symptoms of overindulg­ence with food and drink, and Dr Middleton says: “Many users take the herb particular­ly at Christmas time because it has a longstandi­ng reputation for protecting the liver.”


Middleton says clinical studies have shown that when taken daily on a regular basis, this herb relieves many premenstru­al symptoms such as mood swings, cramps, bloating and breast tenderness.


“Very effective in relieving low mood and anxiety when taken regularly,” says Dr Middleton. However, it can affect the way some medicines work, so always read the leaflet or seek advice, particular­ly if you’re taking any other medication.

During Herbal Medicine Week (June 16-24) the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, is holding events throughout the UK to raise awareness of the benefits of herbal medicine (

ONE way or another, cancer affects us all. It’s estimated that one in two people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during the course of their lives, with someone in the UK receiving a diagnosis on average every two minutes.

Receiving a diagnosis is often accompanie­d by a huge range of difficult and confusing emotions which can change rapidly and unpredicta­bly. Shock, anger, fear, sadness, guilt are all feelings that often show up whether you have received a diagnosis or care about someone who has.

How people deal with being diagnosed with cancer is often affected by our values and how we learnt to deal with problems growing up.

For example, some people feel that they have to stay strong for the people they care about, some cope by burying their heads in the sand and trying to avoid the problem, while others turn to their loved ones for support.

Whatever our coping style, managing the emotional impact of cancer effectivel­y can be key to accessing treatment and support and making the most of life after diagnosis and beyond.

Shock: This is a very common initial reaction. It’s normal to feel overwhelme­d, numb or out of control. Give yourself some time.

 ??  ?? A coneflower field – Echinacea has nine species, which are commonly called coneflower­s
A coneflower field – Echinacea has nine species, which are commonly called coneflower­s
 ??  ?? Pelargoniu­m – good for colds
Pelargoniu­m – good for colds
 ??  ?? St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort
 ??  ?? Passion Flower
Passion Flower
 ??  ?? Rhodiola rosea – good for relieving stress
Rhodiola rosea – good for relieving stress

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