Manchester Evening News

Prisoner fails to get jail term cut for ‘filthy’ attack


A SALFORD thug who threw faeces and urine over a prison officer in a ‘filthy and disgusting’ attack has failed in his bid to get his jail term cut.

Neil McRoy, 42, of Barff Road, was handed a three-and-a-half year sentence at Manchester Crown Court in January.

That followed a 10-year jail term he was already serving for robbery and weapon possession, making a total of 13-and-a-half years.

McRoy’s latest offences took place whilst he was a serving prisoner at HMP Manchester, Mr Justice Green told London’s Appeal Court heard on Tuesday.

On July 15 last year, his cell was searched and a sharpened metal rod, in a plastic Biro pen casing, found.

The following month a prison officer was on his rounds, checking cells.

McRoy approached him and threw a plastic bag containing human faeces and urine in his face.

The officer’s eyes, face and upper body were covered in foul smelling excrement.

McRoy was pursued to another landing where he stopped, turned and pulled out a ‘stabbing implement’ sharpened to a point.

He waved the weapon towards the officer in a threatenin­g manner before being disarmed by other prison officers. McRoy admitted administra­tion of a poison or noxious substance with intent and possession of a bladed or sharply pointed article inside a prison.

The judge who jailed him said it was a ‘deliberate assault’ and ‘filthy and disgusting behaviour.’

The officer suffered reddening and soreness of his eyes - and his uniform had to be disposed of as a ‘biohazard.’

Describing the attack as ‘horrific,’ he said he felt ‘violated.’

‘Deeply concerned’ about the risk of diseases, he had to undergo regular blood tests for 12 months. McRoy’s 10-year sentence was imposed in September 2016. The court heard McRoy had a ‘very poor’ criminal record, with 27 previous conviction­s for 60 offences. His barrister, Michael James, argued that his punishment was far too tough and should be reduced. But Mr Justice Green said: “The judge did not err in any way. We do not accept the sentence imposed was manifestly excessive.” Mr Justice Green

 ??  ?? Neil McRoy has failed to get his jail sentence cut
Neil McRoy has failed to get his jail sentence cut

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