Manchester Evening News

250 officers to police Trump protest in London


GREATER Manchester Police are committing 250 officers to help with increased security and deal with protests expected with the visit of Donald Trump to the UK.

Officers’ days off have been cancelled in order to provide the contingent.

It is understood GMP had been asked to send in the region of 400 officers, but GMP’s command team objected to the initial numbers being asked for by the National Police Coordinati­on Centre, due to the increased pressure it would already put on an overstretc­hed force.

Deputy Chief Constable, Ian Pilling, said: “It’s roughly 250. The majority are uniformed officers who are public order trained – so if there is disorder they are trained and equipped to deal with it.

“We have also sent some that are not public order trained to provide reassuranc­e to the forces that are requesting it.

“A smaller number of specialist officers – for example firearms officers – will also go, but they are very much in the minority.”

Counter terrorism officers from GMP will also be deployed.

“In an ideal world we would be saying no, we can’t spare them. However, this is a national policy commitment.

“As one of the larger forces in the country we have to provide our fair share,” the Deputy Chief Constable added. “If this was Greater Manchester wanting that help – as we asked for help last year – then I would expect it to be sent.

“The difficulty has been is that it has coincided with warm weather, the peak in demand (a record 8,500 calls to GMP in 48 hours last weekend) and the World Cup semi-finals.

“I think we will be able to cope because what we do – and this always impinges on officers’ home life – we have had to cancel days off.

“They all understand the reason why, and there has been little complaint, which is a testament to them. What is does mean is that sometime in the future all those officers that have had their days cancelled, we will have to give them back to them, so there is a long-term issue.” A giant ‘carnival’ protest is due to take place in Albert Square in Manchester. The union-backed event will include Mexican singers and dancers in a nod to the ongoing row in the US over Trump’s immigratio­n policy, which has seen families split at the Mexican border waiting to be reunited.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump; Right, a satirical balloon depicting Trump as a baby will fly above London during his stay as part of a planned protest
US President Donald Trump; Right, a satirical balloon depicting Trump as a baby will fly above London during his stay as part of a planned protest

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