Manchester Evening News

Thai boxing coach gets six years’ jail for abusing two girls



A ‘WELL-RESPECTED’ Thai boxing coach used his position to sexually abuse two girls, a court heard.

Keith Nathan, 59, taught ‘thousands’ of children across Greater Manchester.

He was considered a ‘god’ in the sport up until his arrest in 2015, police said.

He is now behind bars after being sentenced to six years in jail following a trial in which he was found guilty of 17 counts of indecent assault against two girls.

Police launched an investigat­ion after a complaint was made against Nathan dating back to the 1970s.

Minshull Street Crown Court heard how Nathan, who maintains his innocence, became a trusted family friend to both victims.

He taught at gyms in Trafford and Manchester.

Nathan’s first victim bravely took to the witness box to face him and read out a victim impact statement.

She said: “This man has not shown one ounce of decency or remorse. He only sees himself as a victim.”

Speaking about how he gained her parents’ trust, the woman added: “They welcomed him into our home and he made them believe he was looking after me.”

But Nathan used his position to abuse her over a three-year period in the 1980s, when she was a teenager. The court heard Nathan forced the girl to perform sexual acts at several locations, including when he took her away to sporting events.

The second victim was abused by Nathan as a teenager in the 2000s, and he became a close family friend.

He was her Thai boxing trainer. He also abused her at sporting events and other locations.

The victim said Nathan had ‘betrayed’ her and spoke of the difficulti­es in giving evidence at the trial.

Judge Maurice Greene said: “The offences took place when you abused your position as a very wellrespec­ted and highly thought of Thai boxing coach.”

Nathan, of Park Gate Road, Timperley, must also comply with a sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Constable Vickie Burgess of GMP’s Public Protection Investigat­ion Unit, said: “Despite projecting his most perverse and depraved actions on young girls, he somehow managed to keep his championsh­ip reputation in the martial arts world.

“This is due to the lengths he went to to keep his abuse undetected and the promises he made to those he preyed on – what we now know as child grooming.

“While parading as a trustworth­y coach, he terrorised the lives of his victims who have been so brave in coming forward.”

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Keith Nathan

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