Manchester Evening News

Robinson attacks legal ‘witch-hunt’


ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE founder Tommy Robinson claimed he was the victim of a “political witch-hunt” as his contempt of court case was sent to the Attorney General.

Robinson, real name Stephen YaxleyLenn­on, was cheered by crowds of supporters outside the Old Bailey as he emerged on bail yesterday.

The 35-year-old protested his innocence, saying: “This political witch-hunt must end now.”

He also read a statement he had provided on Monday which persuaded the judge to refer the case to Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC rather than decide it himself.

During the hearing Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC said the letter had made clearer the “nature and extent of the controvers­ies”.

Afterwards, Robinson told his fans: “I believe that with this support that’s been shown the Attorney General will kick this into the long grass.”

Robinson was freed from prison in August after three judges quashed a contempt of court finding made at Leeds Crown Court.

But he could be jailed again if he is again found in contempt for filming people in a Huddersfie­ld grooming trial in Leeds and broadcasti­ng the footage on social media.

The court heard he denied breaching the Contempt of Court Act and making a broadcast likely to seriously prejudice the trial.

Had the case been heard by Judge Hilliard, witnesses, including Robinson, could not have been cross-examined.

The judge said: “I think it necessary to look at quite a lot of the detail of what Mr Yaxley-Lennon said in the broadcast as to come to the overall picture as to what happened.

“I’m satisfied in the light of the issues as they now appear as they emerged from the statement of yesterday, that cross-examinatio­n of Mr Yaxley-Lennon is necessary for a proper and thorough examinatio­n and resolution of the case that is in the public interest.”

As he arrived at court, Robinson walked through the crowds chanting, waving Union and England flags and sounding klaxons.

Talking about “Muslim rape gangs”, he blamed the Government, police and social services for “sacrificin­g a generation of our daughters at the hands of the multicultu­ralism altar”.

The media is “the enemy of the people”, he yelled, eliciting the crowd to respond: “Shame on you.”

Metropolit­an Police and their colleagues from the City of London manned barricades outside court for the rally.

Ezra Levant, the founder of the political commentary and activist site Rebel Media, said there were 1,500 supporters outside the Old Bailey and “millions more of you around the world that are watching”.

However, a City of London Police spokeswoma­n estimated there were 500 demonstrat­ors and 50 counter-demonstrat­ors.

 ??  ?? Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson

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