Manchester Evening News

Drug-driver spared jail after playground stunt



A COCAINE-CRAZED driver forced a group of terrified primary school pupils to flee for their lives after he began doing high-speed ‘donuts’ next to them on a children’s playground.

Michael Goodridge, 43, was said by eye witnesses to be ‘driving like a madman’ after he sped onto the busy play area and carried out the stunt as the 12 children all aged under 11 were drawing in chalk on the surface.

The victims had to scatter, screaming in terror as Goodridge repeatedly whizzed round in circles next to them with the tyres on his Vauxhall Astra ‘screeching and smoking.’

He fled when police were called to Rumworth Park, in Bolton, but was later caught and found to be under the influence of cocaine.

At Bolton Crown Court, Goodridge, from the town’s Daubhill area, admitted dangerous driving but was freed after a judge said it would be ‘in the public interest’ for him to get help rather than go to jail.

The incident began at 7pm on May 11 last year after Goodridge was found parked across a householde­r’s driveway and claiming he had run out of petrol.

Prosecutor Sean Batterton said: “A lady attended the property, saw his vehicle on her driveway and asked him to move it.

“He was in the driver’s seat and she saw he had tinfoil and was rolling something in his lap.

“She asked him to move and he eventually did move. But when she then tried to take a photograph of his registrati­on plate, he quickly reversed towards her.

“He then drove into a nearby park at speed and drove onto the Tarmac area of the park.

“She said she heard young girls screaming.

“They were in the middle of the area drawing on the floor with chalk and she describes seeing him drive around ‘like a madman.’

“The lady returned to her property and he headed straight towards her and slammed on his brakes, skidding to a halt. He sat outside there for 30 seconds revving his engine and beeping his horn.’’

Mr Baterston added: “Police were called and he made an escape.

“He was then detained afterwards and was unsteady on his feet despite his use of crutches. There was a presence of illegal drugs in his system along with diazepam.”

In mitigation defence lawyer Kevin Liston said his client had ‘long-term mental health difficulti­es’ including schizophre­nia and added: “His response to the confrontat­ion with the witness could be from these issues.’’

He added: “He’s had a number of aneurysms and this was an entirely irrational act.

“He is a man with complex needs and needs which cannot be dealt with in a custodial sentence.”

Goodridge was given 12 months jail suspended for a year and ordered to enroll on a 12-month drug rehabilita­tion programme.

He was also banned from driving for two-and-a-half years.

 ??  ?? Michael Goodridge
Michael Goodridge

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