Manchester Evening News

Old climate cliches again


IN Viewpoints on December 13, Ieuan Ap-Don rolls out the old cliche of climate change deniers.

Of course that term is meaningles­s because climate change has happened for 4.5 billion years and is entirely natural. Just like gravity, no one would deny that it happens.

What people object to is the pseudo-science masqueradi­ng behind pretending humans have the biggest influence via CO2 emissions – just like Claire Green, who can’t find an answer to why CO2 levels were higher in ice ages than today when it’s the sole argument as to why the planet is supposedly warming.

Ieaun says he hasn’t read any scientific journals but his friends have – hardly the most convincing argument.

He also claims that climate science is peer reviewed, well much of it isn’t. A 2010 Inter Academy Council investigat­ion discovered the main – supposedly ‘scientific’ – body behind the hoax, the IPCC, hadn’t had much of its claims peer reviewed and had no independen­t bodies looking at its claims.

As for renewables, which Ieaun and Claire are saying is a good thing, perhaps look at what caused the riots in France; the rising costs of carbon taxes and renewables which have made much of the population poor shows clearly that renewables, or intermitte­nt energy, are not popular.

If that’s not enough, consider the rising costs of renewables. And those smart meters aren’t free – like the utility companies made out – they will cost every UK household £500. There’s nothing smart about intermitte­nt energy.

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