Manchester Evening News

Cancer breathalys­er which detects disease to be tested


A BREATHALYS­ER test that could revolution­ise cancer diagnosis is being trialled in Britain.

The Breath Biopsy device is designed to detect cancer hallmarks in molecules exhaled by patients.

Scientists hope it will lead to a simpler, cheaper method of spotting cancers at an early stage, when they are more likely to respond to treatment.

The cancer breathalys­er has the potential to save thousands of lives and save millions of pounds in healthcare costs, its developers claim.

The two-year trial, taking place at Addenbrook­e’s Hospital in Cambridge, is recruiting 1,500 participan­ts including healthy individual­s as well as cancer patients.

Initially, patients with suspected oesophagea­l and stomach cancers will be asked to try the test.

Later, the trial will be extended to include prostate, kidney, bladder, liver and pancreatic cancers.

Lead investigat­or Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre, said: “We urgently need to develop new tools, like this breath test, which could help to detect and diagnose cancer earlier, giving patients the best chance of surviving their disease.

“Through this clinical trial we hope to find signatures in breath needed to detect cancers earlier. It’s the crucial next step in developing this technology.”

The PAN Cancer Trial For Early Detection of Cancer in Breath is being run by Cancer Research UK in conjunctio­n with British company Owlstone Medical, which invented the test.

Participan­ts will be asked to breathe into the cancer breathalys­er for 10 minutes.

Airborne molecules called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) collected by the test will then be sent to a laboratory in Cambridge for analysis.

Cells in the body produce a range of VOCs as part of their normal metabolic processes. The molecules find their way into the lungs and emerge in the breath.

The idea behind the test is that cancer can cause recognisab­le alteration­s in the pattern of VOCs.

If the technology is shown to be reliable and accurate, cancer breathalys­ers could become common sight in GP surgeries.

Billy Boyle, co-founder and chief executive of Owlstone Medical, said: “There is increasing potential for breath-based tests to aid diagnosis, sitting alongside blood and urine tests in an effort to help doctors detect and treat disease.”

Almost half of cancers are diagnosed at a late stage in England, according to government figures.

Late diagnosis is one of the main reasons why only 12per cent of oesophagea­l cancer patients survive as long as 10 years.

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