Manchester Evening News

My paedophile uncle said tigers would get me if I told anyone



A TEENAGER has bravely spoken publicly about the abuse he suffered at the hands of his paedophile uncle – who silenced him with threats that Shere Khan from his favourite movie would hunt him down if he told anyone.

Baillie Blomeley was just four when Simon Holmes molested him during a family holiday on the Greek island of Zante.

Holmes, then 17, used the Disney movie to warn the the lad he would be hunted down by Shere Khan from the Rudyard Kipling story if he told his family and said: ‘The tiger will come get you if you say anything – nobody will believe you.’

The youngster was too terrified to tell anyone of his encounters with ginger-haired Holmes but later as a teenager when he visited Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park in Florida, the sight of 10 Bengal tigers in their pens triggered horrific memories.

The flashback left him determined to get justice and he went to police in 2016.

Holmes, now 32, from Hazel Grove, Stockport, was convicted of eight sex offences and jailed for four years at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court on December 20.

Baillie, now 19 and working as a roofer, testified against him and has waived his right to anonymity to speak about his ordeal.

He said: “I used to love Jungle Book when I was kid and watched it all the time but he used the Shere Khan character, as he was ginger, to threaten me.

“Even to this day I can’t look at orange tigers. When I was at Disney’s Animal Kingdom I was looking at my phone and then looked up and the next thing I knew I was staring at about 10 tigers that were all orange. I just broke down in tears. The sight of a tiger greatly affects me.’’

He added: “During the trial, he’d smile at me. He looked smug like he’d got away with it. The day before he got kept on remand and read out his statement, he winked at me.

“He was reading his statement and I thought this is just pure, pure lies. His story didn’t add up, when you tell lies, the lies catch up to you. He’s changed his story so many times over the three-year investigat­ion, but my story is solid. “I never really had a good word to say about the police, but what they did through the trial I couldn’t have asked for anything more, they were brilliant. “If anyone else came forward, I’d support them in any way I possibly can. I’ve still got my own life to do, I’ve still got to go to work. But if anyone needed help going through the process, I’m more than happy to do it.’’ The incidents occurred in 2003 after Holmes who lived with Baillie’s grandmothe­r, was invited on the holiday by the victim’s unsuspecti­ng mother. Whilst staying in a hotel the pair were left alone together on four occasions whilst Baillie’s mother went to a local shop while his mum went out to buy breakfast. Violated and confused, Baillie returned home and his family life carried on as usual. He said: “When I was growing up, after that holiday nothing got said. I still saw him pretty much every day, he lived at my nana’s house.

“I was there all the time, every day after school I’d go there. It just carried on as if he was a normal part of my family. I kept my mouth shut because I didn’t want to upset my nana.

But I reported it in 2016 because thought he’s not getting away with this. My nana and grandad disowned me.”

In court Holmes, who denied indecent assault, blew a kiss at two of his family members as he was sent down to the cells.

Earlier he listened from the dock as Baillie read an emotional victim impact statement saying: “I want to close this chapter in my life, no sentence he receives today will be long enough for me.

“For all of the disgusting things you did, you will now always be a convicted paedophile. You can not imagine how much I hate myself for what you did and how much I hated my mum for what you did. I wonder if I can be happy about myself ever again.’’

Judge Bernadette Baxter told Holmes: “You tore a family apart and while some will forever believe you others will forever believe your victim – and the reality is your victim is telling the truth.’’

Holmes was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders register for life.

His story didn’t add up – when you tell lies, the lies catch up to you Baillie Blomeley’s reaction to Simon Holmes’s statement to court during the trial

 ??  ?? Baillie Blomeley waived his right to anonymity to tell of his sick uncle’s abuse and threats
Baillie Blomeley waived his right to anonymity to tell of his sick uncle’s abuse and threats
 ??  ?? Simon Holmes
Simon Holmes
 ??  ??

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