Manchester Evening News

Paul Massey murderer in prison move



Killer Mark Fellows (left) and victim Paul Massey THE killer of Paul Massey has reportedly been moved to one of the country’s most notorious jails.

Mark Fellows, nicknamed ‘Iceman,’ 38, shot dead Mr Massey, 55, in 2015 with an Uzi sub-machine gun before murdering Massey’s pal ‘Scouse’ John Kinsella, 53, as he walked his dogs three years later.

He was convicted of both murders earlier this year and was told by a judge he would spend the rest of his days behind bars.

Fellows, a member of a violent street gang, received a whole life sentence for both murders.

In February, Fellows was badly hurt in a serious attack at Whitemoor Category A maximum security prison in Cambridges­hire.

It’s now been reported that Fellows arrived at HMP Belmarsh, one of the country’s most notorious high security prisons, earlier this week.

A trusted source said that Fellows had been placed on a high-security wing at Belmarsh.

The Ministry of Justice said they did not comment on individual prisoners.

Belmarsh, in south east London, has been home to some of the country’s most notorious prisoners over the years, including IRA terrorists and Abu Hamza, who is now serving out a life sentence in the US for supporting terrorism.

It was reported last month that in Whitemoor Fellows was slashed with a homemade weapon, called a shank, by Kieran Blair – a member of a notorious gang that brought mayhem to the streets of south Liverpool and Knowsley.

Blair left Fellows with serious facial injuries following the attack at around 6pm on February 20. Blair tried to hide the weapon in his trousers, but guards found it.

He admitted charges of assault occasionin­g GBH and was handed an additional two years, to be served on top of his existing sentence.

Fellows received a whole life sentence for the underworld murders of Massey and Kinsella. He shot well known north Liverpool criminal Kinsella in the back in front of his partner.

Mr Massey died in a hail of machine gun fire outside his own home.

Fellows was found guilty of two counts of murder after a high-profile trial at Liverpool Crown Court.

Fellows has since said that he shot Massey over a drug dispute, and murdered Kinsella three years later because he knew the Liverpool man wanted revenge for the death of his close friend.

Kinsella, a well known criminal, was a pall bearer at Massey’s funeral.

Fellows appealed against his whole life sentence earlier this year.

Paul Greaney, QC, prosecutin­g, told the court that Fellows was ‘a contract killer prepared to kill for money.’ He described the Massey murder as ‘a cold-blooded execution.’

The court dismissed the appeal due to the degree of planning that laid behind the murders of both Massey and Kinsella.

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