Manchester Evening News

Outrage over councillor’s tweet about murdered Jo


A TORY councillor has sparked outrage after tweeting that “anyone would have thought Jo Cox was a saint” during a “toxic” Brexit debate in Parliament.

Tameside councillor Liam Billington made the comment on Thursday after Tracy Brabin MP referenced the late MP - who was murdered by a far right extremist - and pleaded with Boris Johnson to “moderate his language”.

The Prime Minister drew gasps when he replied that the best way to honour her memory was to “get Brexit done”.

Just after 9pm Coun Billington, who represents Stalybridg­e South, tweeted: “Anyone would have thought Jo Cox was a Saint.”

Coun Billington said he apologised “profusely” for upset the tweet had caused.

He said it was aimed at MPs using Mrs Cox’s name in Wednesday’s Brexit debate.

Coun Billington has since deleted his Twitter account.

Labour front bench councillor Oliver Ryan condemned the comment as “disgracefu­l”.

It was also described as “appalling” by the leader of the Conservati­ve group in Tameside.

Mrs Cox was assassinat­ed in June 2016 by Thomas Mair, the week before the referendum on the European Union took place.

Coun Billington said: “The comment was not made against Jo Cox and I absolutely detest what happened to her.

“My comment was aimed at the MPs in Parliament who were using her name in yesterday’s Brexit debate. I should have made this clearer.

“I apologise profusely for any upset I have caused as this was not my intention.”

Leader of the Conservati­ve group, Coun Doreen Dickinson said: “The tweet was appalling and I have had stern words with him about it. I distance myself from it and so does the Conservati­ve group.”

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