Manchester Evening News

Please revoke Article 50


(Viewpoints, October 3) points R. WILFER out the reality so often hushed up or not apparent to people – any Brexit ‘deal’ in the next few weeks or months is not a deal in the sense people normally understand.

It’s at best a temporary agreement – and perhaps only accepted by some people. With no common mind as to what is even desirable, we need a serious and lengthy public consultati­on – not just something that appeals to a closed-in conference centre of predominan­tly old people.

When and where were the proBrexit demonstrat­ions over the weekend? Where were the farmers, small businesses, and research teams that Brexit is going to empower – or are they fearing annihilati­ng forces, if not immediatel­y, in the longer term as foreign transnatio­nals are welcomed in to bargain-basement Britain.

We need to revoke Article 50 now. Doing this and declaring a multiyear but fixed term ‘national indaba’ will allow us to take stock and give business and millions of people some certainty.

It will stop us possibly having to swallow measures we’ve had no say in formulatin­g as a condition of any future relationsh­ip. And if we do come up with a clear vision we can then seek that in unity.

Running away never solves problems and I don’t dispute there are many with the EU, that’s why I and many people I meet feel we should take back control and not have solutions imposed on us.

We need to revoke article 50 now; not doing so suggests cowardice. Name and address supplied

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