Manchester Evening News

More time to quiz driver over deaths


DETECTIVES investigat­ing the deaths of 39 people found in the back of a lorry in Essex have been given an extra 24 hours to question the driver.

A 25-year-old man, named locally as Mo Robinson, from Northern Ireland was arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody.

Officers were granted a warrant to hold him for more time by magistrate­s in Basildon, an Essex Police spokeswoma­n said.

Earlier, it was confirmed that the eight women and 31 men found in the vehicle on an industrial estate in Grays were all Chinese.

On Wednesday, police searched three addresses in Northern Ireland as part of the investigat­ion. Councillor Paul Berry said the village of Laurelvale, near Portadown, where the Robinson family live, was in “complete shock”.

The discovery echoes one in 2000 when the bodies of 58 Chinese illegal immigrants who had paid a criminal gang to be smuggled into the UK were found in a sealed, airless container in Dover.

Essex Police Deputy Chief Constable Pippa Mills said: “This is an incredibly sensitive and high-profile investigat­ion, and we are working swiftly to gather as full a picture as possible as to how these people lost their lives.

“Our recovery of the bodies is ongoing and the post-mortem and identifica­tion processes, which will be lengthy and complex, can then begin.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel met with officers from the force to be updated on the investigat­ion and local dignitarie­s and police gathered to open a book of condolence.

The trailer containing the 39 dead arrived at Purfleet from Zeebrugge in Belgium at around 12.30am on Wednesday, and the front section to which it was attached, known as the tractor, came from Northern Ireland via Holyhead in North Wales on Sunday.

The lorry and trailer left the port at Purfleet shortly after 1.05am and officers were called around 30 minutes later after ambulance staff made the discovery at Waterglade Industrial Park in Eastern Avenue, Grays.

The deaths follow warnings from the National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Border Force of the increased risk of peoplesmug­gling via Belgium and into quieter ports such as Purfleet.

The NCA previously said it had a “greater focus” on rising smuggler numbers in Belgium after the closure of a migrant camp, and a Border Force assessment highlighte­d Zeebrugge as being among “key ports of embarkatio­n for clandestin­e arrivals”.

The NCA has also warned that criminal networks are suspected to have started targeting quieter ports on the east and south coasts of the UK as well as the main Channel crossing between Calais and Dover.

The lorry has been moved to nearby Tilbury Docks so the bodies could be recovered.

 ??  ?? The lorry is escorted away
The lorry is escorted away

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