Manchester Evening News

Bus driver helps OAP to door with shopping

- By SAM YARWOOD @samyarwood­89

A BUS driver has been praised for his kindness after he stopped his bus to help an elderly passenger to her door with her shopping.

The touching gesture was caught on camera by another passenger on the Diamond Bus service between Bolton and Manchester last week.

It is understood the driver parked his bus on Manchester Road – just past Clifton Cricket Club – before helping the pensioner, who was on crutches, to get off.

He then picked up her shopping and carried it home for her.

Paris Jayne shared the photo on Facebook, saying seeing it ‘made her day.’

She wrote: “The cutest thing just happened on my bus. Which is a number 8 heading towards Manchester.

“There’s this lady and she has really bad legs and crutches.

“The bus driver parked up the bus at the stop, helped her off and carried her shopping home for her.

“Made my day, anyway.”

The post has been shared more than 700 times, with hundreds more comments commending the driver for his kindness.

One person wrote: “Such a gentleman. This man deserves an award for his kind heart.”

Another added: “Lovely thing to do, well done to driver, we do still have people that care for others, lovely to see.”

Another comment read: “Good to know they are still good people out there looking after the frail and vulnerable. Well done Mr bus driver, you deserve a medal.”

Diamond Bus North West too praised their employee, saying he had gone ‘above and beyond’ the help the elderly woman.

They said: “We would like to thank our driver who was driving a Number 8 bus from Bolton towards Manchester on October 15.

“As shared on social media, he showed excellent customer service and went above and beyond the call of duty by assisting a lady to her house while carrying her shopping.

“Diamond Bus North West have commended him for this kind act, and everyone at Diamond Bus North West, including the directors, would like to say a very big thank-you.”

 ??  ?? The bus driver helps the elderly woman to her door
The bus driver helps the elderly woman to her door

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