Manchester Evening News

Fears over centre for mental health patients next to rail line


A MENTAL health facility is to be built next to a railway line – despite concerns over a potential suicide risk.

Plans for the supported housing scheme in Ashton-under-Lyne were approved by Tameside council last month. The facility on Rutland Street will be run by charity Richmond Fellowship and will provide homes for 20 people.

There are concerns, however, that the homes will be very close to a busy train line.

According to Network Rail, two out of three people who have taken or attempted to take their own life on the rail network since December 2017 had a mental health history.

The organisati­on objected to the plans on behalf of the rail industry’s Suicide Prevention Programme.

They say housing vulnerable people so close could pose a ‘risk to the rail network.’

Local residents, councillor­s and

MP Angela Rayner all agree the facility is needed in Tameside – but at a different location.

Planners have said they will build a 2.4metre-high fence at the end of the site closest to the railway.

Coun Bill Fairfoull, ward councillor for Ashton St Michael’s, said: “Richmond Fellowship is a fantastic charity and we welcome the investment to Tameside, but we just don’t believe that this is the right location for it.” A spokesman for Richmond Fellowship said: “We are speaking and meeting with Network Rail, and we are working with them and the train operator to ensure a strong relationsh­ip ahead.

“We will be carrying out a programme of engagement ahead to listen to the local community, in order to allay concerns and build understand­ing of our work and services.”

A spokesman for Network Rail said: “We provide support to many organisati­ons which offer help to vulnerable people during difficult times as part of our ongoing commitment to keep the railway safe.

“Now the planning applicatio­n has been granted, we will work closely with the developers to help provide a safe, secure railway through this area.”

MP for Ashton-under-Lyne, Angela Rayner said: “I will continue to keep a close eye on the next stage of this developmen­t and will liaise with the local councillor­s, residents and the planning department to ensure that all their concerns are taken into account.”

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