Manchester Evening News

Gran’s £75 fine for feeding pigeons



A GRAN was slapped with a £75 fine for feeding sausage roll crumbs to pigeons.

Zena Altham was hit with the on-thespot penalty charge for littering having dropped leftover flakes from the tasty pastry for the birds.

The 73-year-old was out shopping with her daughter-in-law Alana when she bought the sausage roll from the Poundbaker­y.

Council chiefs, who use a private firm to carry out litter enforcemen­t, have stood by the decision, saying feeding pigeons can lead to environmen­tal problems.

The bakery giant and an unnamed business stepped in to pay Zena’s fine between them.

Alana unsuccessf­ully appealed the decision.

She claimed that by the time the fine

A council spokesman said feeding pigeons attracts pests had been issued, all the flakes of pastry had been eaten by the birds. She said: “I think it’s laughable that she was fined for giving crumbs to pigeons.

“I thought ‘are they being serious?’ A lot of people do think ‘I’ll give this to the birds.’ We have tried to appeal it. They said she’ll have to pay or go to court.”

Alana said her family was ‘really grateful’ to the businesses for offering to pay the fine issued after the incident in Accrington, Lancashire.

She added: “We just think it’s a lovely gesture.”

Keely Silvester, marketing manager at Poundbaker­y, said: “We’re disappoint­ed with the council because it’s hard enough to get people to go and shop on the high street as it is.

“We want to help this woman pay her fine and keep shopping on the high street.”

A Hyndburn council spokesman said: “In line with the council’s drive to improve the cleanlines­s of the town centre, enforcemen­t officers are tackling people who drop litter, which includes cigarettes and food.

“We have seen a big increase in pigeon numbers and the environmen­tal problems this brings with droppings on the paving and shop windows or doors.

“We erected signs in the town centre many years ago, asking people not to feed the pigeons, as food dropped on the floor also attracts rats and other pests.

“However, to ensure shoppers are fully aware we’ll refresh the existing signs.

“Issuing fines is often an emotive subject, but our message is clear – if you don’t drop litter and pick up after your dog then you won’t be issued with a fine.”

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Zena Altham

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