Manchester Evening News

City’s contract policy of quality over quantity sees Poveda seek exit


AS Leeds United fans scramble to find out more about Ian Carlo Poveda – the talented youngster that is interestin­g the Championsh­ip high-flyers among others – one of the questions being asked is why City are willing to let him go.

It’s always more reassuring for a club and its supporters to beat other clubs to a player’s signature (take note United and Bruno Fernandes), and better still if you buy from somebody that is reluctant to let go. That is not the case with Poveda, who City are happy to let leave either this January or in summer on a free transfer at the end of his contract.

However, that is less a reflection of the teenager’s skill and more a reflection of how the Blues have moved away from their old approach to academy contracts.

Back in 2015 the Blues gave lengthy deals to the top young talent coming through – Thierry Ambrose, Angus Gunn and Brandon Barker were among the players to commit until the summer of 2020, while Jack Byrne and Kean Bryan also penned sizable deals.

The club’s commitment to youth was shown by getting the best prospects to sign long-term contracts.

It didn’t work, though.

Those five collective­ly made zero starts for the first team, and the one that remains at the club – Ambrose – is not expected to stay beyond this summer when his deal finally runs out.

As situations like Poveda’s show, City have since moved away from such a policy.

The former Barcelona and Brentford youngster was seen as one of the brightest starlets in the academy, having been promoted to train regularly with the first team last season and earning praise from the manager on the pre-season tour.

Just as Pep Guardiola pointed out that the coaches ‘don’t give presents’ of appearance­s to young players, though, so the same is true of contracts. Poveda played just once for

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