Manchester Evening News

I just want to stop him from doing this to someone else



A MUM who was subjected to a terrifying assault at the hands of her ex-boyfriend has told her story in a bid to warn other women.

The victim has been forced to change her name and move house, after her former partner, Nathan McMahon, left her with horrifying injuries.

McMahon, 31, was jailed for 32 months after admitting grievous bodily harm at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court. He was also sentenced for an offence of assault by beating on the victim’s female cousin.

McMahon was made subject to an indefinite restrainin­g order, banning him from contacting his victim.

The 27-year-old mum has decided to anonymousl­y speak out about what happened to her to warn other women about McMahon’s crimes.

She says she hopes to deter women becoming involved with her attacker, after he is released from prison.

The pair started dating after they met in late 2018. The victim said: “There were no signs of aggression or anything that concerned me until June 2019.

“I was at work and received a phone call from Nathan. He was very drunk and smashed up my entire house.”

She said she ended the relationsh­ip straight away, but McMahon continued to contact her.

On June 25, 2019, she had been on a night out with friends when she received a phone call from him, threatenin­g to harm her. She turned her phone off until the next day, when she claims to have received a call from her ex, saying he would stab her family.

“I called the police immediatel­y and as soon as I got off the phone my mum called me to say he had put a brick through her window,” she said.

She says McMahon was arrested and then released to a mental health unit under voluntary section, but discharged himself shortly afterwards.

The victim claims he continued to call and text her, threatenin­g to find her and kill her. She said: “On July 26 I was out with my cousin having a drink and I got a call from him, telling me he knew where I was.

“We got up and went back to my cousin’s house but I told her I needed to go to the shops near her house.

“As we arrived at the shops I saw Nathan coming towards us. I don’t know how he managed to find me. He charged at us and became very aggressive, shouting and screaming. I got on the phone and called the police straight away.

“He asked me who I was on the phone to and when I said it was police he laughed and said; ‘if I’m going to prison, it’ll be for something proper.’”

What followed was a vicious assault, which involved McMahon landing a number of punches on the victim and her cousin. He was later arrested and remanded in custody until he appeared in court. “My lip was completely split in half,” the victim said. “I had to be transferre­d

to North Manchester Hospital to see a special face surgeon who had to stitch my lip back together.

“I had to have 15 stitches and I have a nasty scar on my face because of it.”

She is now undergoing regular counsellin­g for symptoms of PTSD and may require plastic surgery on her lip.

“For me he was a very good actor and I just want to stop him doing this to someone else,” she said.

“Even if his name just rings a bell and makes a woman think about looking him up on Clare’s Law, I’ll feel I’ve done the right thing. I have been physically and mentally scarred for life and I just want to protect other women.”

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Injuries caused by Nathan McMahon, left
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