Manchester Evening News

Fill up the family for £20 a week


people in a similar position.

Her Facebook page (facebook. com/fyf20quid) now has more than half a million followers

– and a new cookbook, Feed Your Family For £20 A Week.

But it’s not just about handing someone a £20 note and pushing them into a supermarke­t, saying: ‘Here you go.’ Instead, Lorna is pragmatic, providing an eight-week, £160 meal-plan (to feed four people), and employing batch-cooking, buying in bulk and using up leftovers in ways that turn basic actions into tools of total ingenuity.

The ethos behind the food – which she says is “not fancy; it’s healthy, it’s filling” – takes you back to “what your granny or your great-granny would’ve cooked, from scratch. They wouldn’t have thrown out leftovers, they would’ve gone in the next meal.”

Lorna says these are skills a lot of people just haven’t had the opportunit­y to learn.

“That’s one of the reasons I started the Facebook page. I didn’t get taught it. I lost my mum when I was only 11 and I didn’t know how to cook. I hadn’t been taught budgeting.

“Home economics at school for us was making a mandarin cheesecake and learning to sew a cushion – not exactly the most helpful,” she says.

These days, Lorna is well clued up. “It’s become a challenge and I really enjoy it,” she says, describing how she’ll spot a recipe or dish and think, ‘Oh, I could make that’, before going home and whipping up a significan­tly cheaper, veg-heavy version.”

So how can you stretch £20 into a full week of meals? To start with, for Lorna doing a big shop involves more than one supermarke­t. “There’s a lot of shopping about, to see where’s got the best bargains.”

When you get home, it’s about being savvy with your time and your freezer (“What I mean when I say ‘batch-cooking’ is it doesn’t take any more time to make two lasagnes than it does to make one”).

Despite the trend for veganism, Lorna’s approach to organic and free-range produce is just as pragmatic.

“When we didn’t have a lot of money, my main thing was getting food into the kids to make sure they were fed,” she says.

“If you can afford to, if you want to, you can use more organic and free-range things, but the core of the book at the moment, it’s to keep the costs as low as possible.”

That said, eating more affordably often has its own ethical and sustainabl­e plusses, she points out – it focuses on minimising waste, going big on veggies and pulses (which are naturally cheaper), and by default, using less meat.

“Maybe the average family would use 500g mince to make a lasagne,” explains Lorna. “We only use 200g.”

There is one item she won’t scrimp on though – butter. She says: “I’ll always buy real butter, always have done. I won’t use margarine. It’s only one ingredient away from plastic!”

■ Feed Your Family For £20 A Week by Lorna Cooper, photograph­y by Andrew Hayes-Watkins, is published by Seven Dials, priced £16.99.

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Lorna Cooper and her new cook book, below left
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