Manchester Evening News

SOAP watch

Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales



CHARITY walks in on Tracy’s surprise party for Vanessa and panics – she knows it’s not remotely what Vanessa needs right now. With Vanessa’s cancer diagnosis still a secret, is there any way that Charity can stop Tracy from going ahead without making a massive scene? Meanwhile, DI Malone sets up a trap to get Will into doing another drugs job for him. Arthur is nervous to see Jai and Archie at Mulberry. And Luke asks Victoria to give their relationsh­ip another shot.


HAVING been suspended from work, Gray can’t face telling Whitney what has happened and warns Chantelle not to tell her parents. Later he finds out that his firm has dropped Whitney’s case, leading him to lash out at Chantelle. Meanwhile, Jean reassures Shirley that she’s taking her medication, but is she telling the truth? She’s on a mission to find out if Suki is lying. Elsewhere, Mick hears that Linda cleared out her stash of alcohol but doesn’t trust her.

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GARY wants to teach Ali a lesson, so he enlists Sharon for help and carries out his plan. Later, when Craig has a wellness check up with Ali, the doctor suddenly collapses. What did Gary do?

Meanwhile, at The Weatherfie­ld Golden Hearts Awards, Aggie collects her award. But the event takes a turn when James is quizzed by a reporter on his sexuality. Elsewhere, Roy introduces Nina to his bat watching friends – but they’re deeply suspicious of her motives.

 ??  ?? Gray can’t face telling Whitney what has happened
Gray can’t face telling Whitney what has happened
 ??  ?? A reporter quizzes James
A reporter quizzes James
 ??  ?? Vanessa walks into her surprise party
Vanessa walks into her surprise party

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